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My Thanksgiving Trip to Napa, CA...

Nice traveling stash! :) Looks like a fun weekend will be had. I am sure you will have some excellent wine available to go with those gars. Nothing better than good friends and good cigars.
Not a single White Owl in that stash.

And all this time I thought you had good taste. Tsk... tsk... tsk..

Have a great time! :D
UPDATE: Camera was a wash, as I forgot the memory card for it, and the batteries are running out!!

We smoked the Opus Sharkies, and they were AMAZING. Then we smoked several Montecristo Edmundos and some other crazy HTF shtuff that Napa_Smokes has, and we also smoked an 08' Shark.

Tonight we will be smoking a BBMF in Brian's honor.
I didn't get the invite. What is up with that?? Hope you guys had fun.
Hope they have fun? Gesh, I hope you guys don't keel over from the nicotine shock! Fun? Ya right, good luck with those!!! :laugh: :p
After a dinner of moose spaghetti we headed out for a smoke in the front yard.


Jon decided this was what he wanted to smoke so I grabbed a bottle of Champagne to keep the palate clean. Start time 22:53.


Cigars have been clipped! Te tension is building, where these worth the effort it took to hunt down?



Two goofballs lighting up.


Draw was perfect, great flavors right off the bat, complex, smooth, velvet like feel in the mouth with a very faint spice to it. Nothing like any other Opus either of us had ever had.


About 20 minutes into it. Jon's not used to the 60 degree weather up in Napa at night yet...


Yes I am a dweeb. The cigar was opening up at this point. Still no spice, it had a flavor I can't quite put into words. Not much talking going on at this point as we where both so wrapped up in the complexity of the cigar.


The master goof himself.



Everyone else posts pictures of the wildlife so why not me!!! This is my baby Sara Mia pissed off that we just put her in the house as we where tired of her whining disturbing the BBMF!!!

More to follow!!

Taking the BBMF's beyond the band...


Nubbing the BBMF


The end of the evening. We went through a btl of Silver Oak, and the Egly-Ouriet. The BBMF has been the best opus I have smoked. Not sure how we can top this night, except for maybe with this!!


Yes those are 2 BBMF maduro's that Jon is licking.

As this is his last day we started off with a Power Ranger from 06, after lunch we are moving to Tat monsters, then for a before dinner smoke a BTL from 05, and to finish the night the BBMF maddy's.

This has been fun visit and looking for to posting more pics for you all to get drool over. :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

:sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:
I'm jealous, I'll admit it. Looks like some damn fine smoking you guys have going out there. Those coats for 60 degree weather are pretty hilarious, though, wimps!
Looks like you guys are having a ton of fun and having some great smokes. I'm jealous!
Looks like you guys are having a ton of fun and having some great smokes. I'm jealous!

You better believe it!! :D

Last night was a humbling experience, as we sat and smoked and talked about Brian. It was honorable to him and his memory and what he was all about, and that was your fellow man.

You do realize you're staying late tonight, so I can come up and make fun of you!

Fantastic time you guys are having! It's good to see these fine smokes being burned by some great BOTL!
Yeah, I see how you guys are. The rest of us local CPers werent cool enough to hang out and smoke with you guys huh..... pfft. :D

I'm sorry I missed you on this trip, but we'll catch up next time.

-- Sean