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My private messages are gone and i cant PM anyone

"Grow a thicker skin" says the fella that turns EVERY perceived slight of someone other than himself into a multi-hundred word diatribe about how mean people are around these parts. :rolleyes: There's thin enough skin around here that we should be looking under hats for reservoir tips, but it doesn't belong to who you think it does.

You've made your point. You continually make your point. It has been considered and rejected many times, dozens of those times were before you even arrived at CP. The chicken has been thoroughly plucked.

Being a malcontent will get you nowhere in life.
This thread had nothing to with him running off. That was brought into this thread. He asked a question in this thread.
Thanks for the PM Don!!

pembroke3355 said:

I will do it everytime I see someone getting hammered for no good reason. As for troll into a thread and piss people off and leave and take my ball. I seem to see you in a vast majority of these threads so you also do your trolling. I leave when I am done making my points and it get's to a place where it is no longer productive to stay. Sorry if you do not like it but that is the way it is. If people get pissed from me stating my opinion then maybe they need to take the advice they give alot. Grow some thicker skin.


Where the f' was he 'hammered'...and for no good reason?

Are you taking up the avenging angel role? Are you a moderator now?

You come in and stir the pot and then leave...why? It's funny how you 'state' your opinion, get into shit with someone and then leave.

Where's the resolution...there is none. Almost every thread that has brought about an asshat or potential asshat has has some resolution except with you...why?

It's not your opinion that's pissing people off so much as you just don't get how some things work...oh wait, this is the kinder gentler cp and you're here to see it stays that way!
m in a lot of threads.

Very classy posting my PM. I stick to my statement if me coming in to a thread with stuff the older guys do not like you need to grow thicker skin. By asking a simple question about his PM problem he get's comments and a picture to make him look like a moron . That to me is hammering someone for no good reason. I am no avenging angel but will speak my mind. There are plenty of threads where people get hammered and for good reason and I say nothing. I thought you were the MOD. I did not come to stir the pot. I stated my opinion and then you and MMM decided to stir it up. The resolution is to leave the guy alone. Rod did not ban him. Instead of trying to make someone look like a a-hole for this is crazy. Maybe a report thread telling Rod you think we have a potential asshat and let him decide. I know how things work here and some people deserve everything they get for being a true asshat and some don't. I knew the kinder thing would not work as there are people here that do not want it to work. If a guy is a true asshat call him out. This guy has done nothing to be classified as a potential asshat. Rod is aware of this thread and if he thought he had a asshat on his hands he would be gone.

Don, you simply don't possess the intellect required to be the avenging angel. You miss the point more times than I care to count and have done it again here. The initial responses weren't because he posted a question about PMs, they were in reference to his childish behavior of "packing his bags" after being called on a mistake. If you are going to defend people, at least make an attempt as to understand what is going on.

LOL Clint your a funny guy. Your insults are comical. Who the hell cares if he said that it is not a reason to keep haunting the guy? It is clear he wants no part of debating any of you guys but some of you want to keep pushing it. As I said earlier Rod is aware of what happened and did not ban the guy. So my question would be why keep going at him? It a dead issue he screwed up and admitted it. Someone contacts him via PM and inquires about his WTT which at this point no one knows if any transaction has been agreed upon. Because he deletes some pics of his house and said he would leave does not make him a asshat. You may not like the way he did things but get over it. What happened is not a huge deal that we need a asshat alert and people to keep trying to spark a response out of him.
Fuck Almighty Don! Here you go again. The man that always seems to complain about people starting and continuing drama in threads is doing the exact same thing! Yea, you're "entitled" to your opinions, but you're the one with the need for drama anymore. Who are you trying to prove yourself to? Why do you feel the need to come to every poor souls assistance? Are you trying to play jholmes763 protoge now? You wonder why you catch so much flak around here. You bring it on yourself. You know, I don't know how many times I've taken up for you or tried to help you and this is what you continue to do. You're on your own from this point on.

I'm pretty sure I can speak for the majority of the people here when I say that we're ALL tired of your bullshit. We're all tired of you playing the poor martyred soul. If you have such a huge problem with so many of us, then get the fuck out and find a new home to take your bullshit to.
No I will not get the fuck out. I do not have a problem with the vast majority of people here. I have a problem with the people who think they can run around and screw with people then get uptight when someones points it out. I do not care one bit if some of you do not like me or my opinions. You are correct this is getting stupid. What is the reason to bring jholmes into this? Is it because he is another person who dares to state a opinion that some of you guys don't like. The thread is a dead issue to me now. BTW if you noticed I tried to bow out of this thread a while ago but some people felt the need to keep it up.
No I will not get the fuck out. I do not have a problem with the vast majority of people here. I have a problem with the people who think they can run around and screw with people then get uptight when someones points it out. I do not care one bit if some of you do not like me or my opinions. You are correct this is getting stupid. What is the reason to bring jholmes into this? Is it because he is another person who dares to state a opinion that some of you guys don't like. The thread is a dead issue to me now. BTW if you noticed I tried to bow out of this thread a while ago but some people felt the need to keep it up.

I'm glad you don't care what I think because the vast majority of us just cringe anymore when we see that you've posted in something anymore. You preach about people starting unnecessary drama and here you are adding to it. If you were *about* to bow out, than why don't you just do that. I brought JHolmes's name up because you two do the same exact thing. Something goes on that people are handling and the two of you feel the need to argue the other points. Let the situation die its own death istead of reviving it with a counter argument that you know you won't win.

You've really alienated yourself over the past two months were no one will want to have anything to do with you. You may not care, you may continue doing what you do, but from this point on, you'll also continue to draw the ire of the entire community for your actions. Good luck to you Bro, but I have a feeling that you're going to have a following that is going to make your life miserable until you decide to finally stop this feel good crusade you've decided to embark on. It's amazing the number of well respected members that you continue to piss off...and that number seems to grow at an alarming pace with each post.
You've really alienated yourself over the past two months were no one will want to have anything to do with you. You may not care, you may continue doing what you do, but from this point on, you'll also continue to draw the ire of the entire community for your actions.

I have to agree Don. I've made my peace with you and even came to like you, but you're really just completely out in left field at this point. At least John comes up with valid logical posts that contribute to a discussion as opposed to different variations of, "Well you're just being mean!" At least John is courteous and doesn't come out swinging, all half-cocked, composing a 1,000 word novel to convey a simple counter-point. At least John contributes in other aspects to the community such as reviews, trades, pissing off Jonesy, etc.

I don't know Don, you're on your own now. No one wants to deal with you anymore. You have become nothing but a troll buddy, it's just not working.

PS- I happen to like JHolmes Brian, so suck it! :p :laugh:
You've really alienated yourself over the past two months were no one will want to have anything to do with you. You may not care, you may continue doing what you do, but from this point on, you'll also continue to draw the ire of the entire community for your actions.

I have to agree Don. I've made my peace with you and even came to like you, but you're really just completely out in left field at this point. At least John comes up with valid logical posts that contribute to a discussion as opposed to different variations of, "Well you're just being mean!" At least John is courteous and doesn't come out swinging, all half-cocked, composing a 1,000 word novel to convey a simple counter-point. At least John contributes in other aspects to the community such as reviews, trades, pissing off Jonesy, etc.

I don't know Don, you're on your own now. No one wants to deal with you anymore. You have become nothing but a troll buddy, it's just not working.

PS- I happen to like JHolmes Brian, so suck it! :p :laugh:
I agree wholeheartedly here Jon. I have nothing against John at all...just comparing a little. John makes his points where they are well thought out...granted, they may not all be well received all the time, but he does it a tad differently than Don has been doing lately.
Let's ask Forge if he thinks that you need to help him? I have never interacted with you but I can't stand you. You argue just to argue. No one cares what you think about anything. Find someone to side with you, we'll wait.

Kirk, keep up the Monty Python we all need it
So Don, are you convinced yet that it's not just me, and a couple of drama queens that are growing tired of your constant crap? Or are you still so sure that it's just a couple of dozen drama queens all taking turns trying to draw you into the drama?

Nevermind, you don't have to explain yourself to me. Have a drink and a smoke, and enjoy the rest of your week.
FWIW I think John has really unfucked himself in regards to being contrary by default. I have found myself agreeing with many of his posts over the last year (in what were initially 'what the hell is going on here' moments). Don on the other hand has shown his true colors recently, with his bizarre explosions and constant whining. Don, you aren't oppressed and it was really fucking stupid of you to declare a 'war of personalities' on many of the most outspoken people on this board at the same time. There was a time when I helped keep people at bay from hanging you out to dry as you jumped up and down on your dick like it was a broken trampoline. Obviously after you told me my about how I abuse the system and about my ego blah blah etc. you can gfys. Maybe everyone seems pretentious to you because they are legitimately way more awesome than you (I'm just sayin....) Here I will put it in big letters for you:

Don have you considered that maybe it is you that is a potstirring assclown and not EVERYONE else?
FWIW I think John has really unfucked himself in regards to being contrary by default. I have found myself agreeing with many of his posts over the last year (in what were initially 'what the hell is going on here' moments). Don on the other hand has shown his true colors recently, with his bizarre explosions and constant whining. Don, you aren't oppressed and it was really fucking stupid of you to declare a 'war of personalities' on many of the most outspoken people on this board at the same time. There was a time when I helped keep people at bay from hanging you out to dry as you jumped up and down on your dick like it was a broken trampoline. Obviously after you told me my about how I abuse the system and about my ego blah blah etc. you can gfys. Maybe everyone seems pretentious to you because they are legitimately way more awesome than you (I'm just sayin....) Here I will put it in big letters for you:

Don have you considered that maybe it is you that is a potstirring assclown and not EVERYONE else?

"Anabolic steroids affect the limbic system in the brain. This part of the brain influences mood, as well as memory and the ability to learn. "


Aaaaaaa, could be!
Can you find a thread that Gary ISN'T in??

I can find many threads Gary isn't in. But at the same time, I can find many that he is in. :laugh:

But on a good note I did learn you can disabled your PM ability.
FWIW I think John has really unfucked himself in regards to being contrary by default. I have found myself agreeing with many of his posts over the last year (in what were initially 'what the hell is going on here' moments). Don on the other hand has shown his true colors recently, with his bizarre explosions and constant whining. Don, you aren't oppressed and it was really fucking stupid of you to declare a 'war of personalities' on many of the most outspoken people on this board at the same time. There was a time when I helped keep people at bay from hanging you out to dry as you jumped up and down on your dick like it was a broken trampoline. Obviously after you told me my about how I abuse the system and about my ego blah blah etc. you can gfys. Maybe everyone seems pretentious to you because they are legitimately way more awesome than you (I'm just sayin....) Here I will put it in big letters for you:

Don have you considered that maybe it is you that is a potstirring assclown and not EVERYONE else?

"Anabolic steroids affect the limbic system in the brain. This part of the brain influences mood, as well as memory and the ability to learn. "


Aaaaaaa, could be!

LMAO!!!!!! :laugh: Old Arnold should be brain dead with that theory he did them like candy.
Old Arnold should be brain dead with that theory he did them like candy.

Trying to blend right back in, be one of the "guys", and act like nothing has ever happened?

Oh, my fault! Is this considered adding to the drama Don? If it it, let me be the first to apologize for being a Drama Queen.

Sneeds, Breedy, Ben, Moe, Phil, Tom, Gary, I hope you guys aren't mad at me for trying to join your little club without an invitation first!
Old Arnold should be brain dead with that theory he did them like candy.

Trying to blend right back in, be one of the "guys", and act like nothing has ever happened?

Oh, my fault! Is this considered adding to the drama Don? If it it, let me be the first to apologize for being a Drama Queen.

Sneeds, Breedy, Ben, Moe, Phil, Tom, Gary, I hope you guys aren't mad at me for trying to join your little club without an invitation first!

No Brian that is not the case. I was responding to Gary's attempt to try to explain my behavior. I thought it was damn funny. :laugh:
Old Arnold should be brain dead with that theory he did them like candy.

Trying to blend right back in, be one of the "guys", and act like nothing has ever happened?

Oh, my fault! Is this considered adding to the drama Don? If it it, let me be the first to apologize for being a Drama Queen.

Sneeds, Breedy, Ben, Moe, Phil, Tom, Gary, I hope you guys aren't mad at me for trying to join your little club without an invitation first!

No Brian that is not the case. I was responding to Gary's attempt to try to explain my behavior. I thought it was damn funny.

Ok, thanks for the insight. Hey, I have an idea! Instead of you responding to Gary trying to explain your behavior, why don't you just do it? Damn, I can't believe I didn't think to ask that earlier! We'll be waiting with baited breath for your answer!