My private messages are gone and i cant PM anyone

Don, I understand why you may feel that the picture was uncalled for but reality is this guy stated in his other thread that he was leaving. He also went so far as to delete his posts because he didn't want pictures of the inside of his house. The only reason I can think of that he is looking to PM is to complete the trade with the unscrupulous person that PMed him. After all that went on the fact he couldn't understand Gary's or my response shows he is indeed clueless. Would it have been more acceptable for me to just post telling him so? If so fine I find him clueless. I'm not encouraging him to meltdown he's already started down that path in his other thread and I'm sure he will completely meltdown at some point on his own. While there have been occasions where people pile on just for the hell of it I do believe that the majority of the time it's warranted and the system we have in place for weeding these asshats out works.
Yes you are correct. Most of the advise was to shut up and let others handle everything. I am stating my opinion as I am entitled to do and will continue to do so. The picture in this thread is not needed and it appears basically that some of you are trying to run the guy off the board or get under his skin enough so he has a real meltdown. That is my opinion and when I see something like that I going to state my opinion.

Now you're "entitled"?

You think this is about being entitled? It's not.

Who the are you to say that the picture is not needed? That's for Todd!

Who are you to say people are trying to run the guy off or to cause a meltdown? He'll do that on his own.

Why not ask those who you think are doing these things...why they are doing it? Oh've been told why already and just don't like it.

Yes I am entitled to state my opinion just as anyone here is free to do. So everyone is entitled.

Never said it was all about being entitled and it's not. I do not think it is all about being entitled. I stated my opinion on what I believe is happening.

What purpose does the picture serve? To get under someones skin in my opinion. I never said it should be removed and I agree it is Rod to decide if it should be something that is allowed but I am stating that I see no real value to it other than to get under someones skin. Again this is my opinion.

I say your trying to cause a meltdown by staying on this guys ass. Telling him to not let the door hit him in the ass. Posting a picture to make him look stupid. I hope he will be smart enough to know that if just does not respond that people will get bored and move on. As for the who am I to say that. I ask who are you to post you door FOB comment.

As for the you have already been told and don't like it. It is not that I don't like I do not choose to believe some of it. This guy made one mistake by posting a WTT when he had not completed 4 months. He admitted it. Now he asks why his PM system does not work and he get's this crap. If it looks like bull shit and smells like bullshit then it is bull shit. There was no need to jump on this guy in this thread.
Don, I understand why you may feel that the picture was uncalled for but reality is this guy stated in his other thread that he was leaving. He also went so far as to delete his posts because he didn't want pictures of the inside of his house. The only reason I can think of that he is looking to PM is to complete the trade with the unscrupulous person that PMed him. After all that went on the fact he couldn't understand Gary's or my response shows he is indeed clueless. Would it have been more acceptable for me to just post telling him so? If so fine I find him clueless. I'm not encouraging him to meltdown he's already started down that path in his other thread and I'm sure he will completely meltdown at some point on his own. While there have been occasions where people pile on just for the hell of it I do believe that the majority of the time it's warranted and the system we have in place for weeding these asshats out works.

Calling this guy a asshat for posting a WTT before he was supposed to does not make him a asshat. If someone chooses to removes pics of the inside of house does not make him a asshat. Trying to screw someone or ripping some one off make a asshat. People that do not agree with the older guys or responds to posts that try to make them look bad does not make him a asshat. He was PM'ed from someone it seems he did not state he made a trade. He actually responded to that in the other thread when he said "Don't put words in my mouth". I think it would have been more acceptable to not post a picture like that and in a constructive way explain to him what you think. Your just assuming that he he wants his PM to do business with this unscrupulos person. There is at least one other person besides myself that did PM him he may have been trying to reach one of us. I am also sure that behind the scenes deals are done by people with less than 4 months.

What are you doing at CigarPass?

Mind your own business!

If you will not show us the Grail, we shall take your castle by force!

You don't frighten me, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person.
I blow my nose at you, so-called Arthur-king, you and all your silly English kaniggets. Thppppt!

What a strange person.

Now look here, my good man!

I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough whopper!
I fart in your general direction! .
Can some one fix this for me? I cant see any of my old PMs and cant create any new PMs.

Sure thing Forge. Rodley says you may have accidentally disabled your own PMs. What you need to do is go to the top righthand of your screen, click on the arrow pointing down next to your name to access the dropdown menu. Click on "My Settings," then access the "General Settings" tab on the left hand side. In the content of the main window, you'll see an option that reads "Personal Messenger Options." Underneath that, there should be a checkbox next to "Disable My Personal Messenger." If that box is checked, click on it to uncheck it, then scroll down and click on the "Save Changes" button. Then, try to PM somebody, and it should work.

If you find that your box is unchecked, and your PMs aren't working, email

There ya go. Next thread. :thumbs:

What are you doing at CigarPass?

Mind your own business!

If you will not show us the Grail, we shall take your castle by force!

You don't frighten me, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person.
I blow my nose at you, so-called Arthur-king, you and all your silly English kaniggets. Thppppt!

What a strange person.

Now look here, my good man!

I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough whopper!
I fart in your general direction! .

Very classy and mature way to make a statement. You are entitled to do so and it does not bother me. I will not mind my own business. Is this a forum where only a few can make any statement they want I don't think so. As for not wanting to talk to me I can assure you I will loose no sleep over that.

As for the you have already been told and don't like it. It is not that I don't like I do not choose to believe some of it.


Yes it can and it works both ways.

I am done here in this thread stating my opinion. We can agree to disagree.
Don, I understand why you may feel that the picture was uncalled for but reality is this guy stated in his other thread that he was leaving. He also went so far as to delete his posts because he didn't want pictures of the inside of his house. The only reason I can think of that he is looking to PM is to complete the trade with the unscrupulous person that PMed him. After all that went on the fact he couldn't understand Gary's or my response shows he is indeed clueless. Would it have been more acceptable for me to just post telling him so? If so fine I find him clueless. I'm not encouraging him to meltdown he's already started down that path in his other thread and I'm sure he will completely meltdown at some point on his own. While there have been occasions where people pile on just for the hell of it I do believe that the majority of the time it's warranted and the system we have in place for weeding these asshats out works.

Calling this guy a asshat for posting a WTT before he was supposed to does not make him a asshat. If someone chooses to removes pics of the inside of house does not make him a asshat. Trying to screw someone or ripping some one off make a asshat. People that do not agree with the older guys or responds to posts that try to make them look bad does not make him a asshat. He was PM'ed from someone it seems he did not state he made a trade. He actually responded to that in the other thread when he said "Don't put words in my mouth". I think it would have been more acceptable to not post a picture like that and in a constructive way explain to him what you think. Your just assuming that he he wants his PM to do business with this unscrupulos person. There is at least one other person besides myself that did PM him he may have been trying to reach one of us. I am also sure that behind the scenes deals are done by people with less than 4 months.

Not reading the clearly stated large red bolded letters telling him he's not eligible to trade does make him an asshat, and clueless btw. Not listening to people telling him that and questioning their motive for doing so makes him an asshat. Changing what he was trading for from an aged opus to a year old opus makes him an asshat. Posting that he's taking his ball and going home and then posting this thread looking to potentially complete his trade makes him a hypocritical asshat. The picture summed up exactly how I felt about him and the way he conducted his business in these 2 threads. A picture is after all worth 1000 words.
I say your trying to cause a meltdown by staying on this guys ass. Telling him to not let the door hit him in the ass. Posting a picture to make him look stupid. I hope he will be smart enough to know that if just does not respond that people will get bored and move on. As for the who am I to say that. I ask who are you to post you door FOB comment.

Actually, I was being a wise the OP reminded me of folks showing up to work and their key not working!



Youve are starting to see a lot of ingustice here on CP, halve you know?
Your defenses of others is near martyrdoom.
Do you think these people need a night in shinny aromor?

What are you doing at CigarPass?

Mind your own business!

If you will not show us the Grail, we shall take your castle by force!

You don't frighten me, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person.
I blow my nose at you, so-called Arthur-king, you and all your silly English kaniggets. Thppppt!

What a strange person.

Now look here, my good man!

I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough whopper!
I fart in your general direction! .

Very classy and mature way to make a statement. You are entitled to do so and it does not bother me. I will not mind my own business. Is this a forum where only a few can make any statement they want I don't think so. As for not wanting to talk to me I can assure you I will loose no sleep over that.

As for the you have already been told and don't like it. It is not that I don't like I do not choose to believe some of it.


Yes it can and it works both ways.

I am done here in this thread stating my opinion. We can agree to disagree.

Verily. Such as behind great lapses when they are for becoming and have trifled when it is and going for understated brevity.
If it looks like bull shit and smells like bullshit then it is bull shit.

Sinus problems?

I am also sure that behind the scenes deals are done by people with less than 4 months.

So, having deals done via pm now makes it OK to post a WTT/S and break the rule?

Yes it can and it works both ways.

I am done here in this thread stating my opinion. We can agree to disagree.

How many times are you going to troll into a thread, piss people off and then take your ball and go.

This may help:

Thanks for the PM Don!!

pembroke3355 said:

I will do it everytime I see someone getting hammered for no good reason. As for troll into a thread and piss people off and leave and take my ball. I seem to see you in a vast majority of these threads so you also do your trolling. I leave when I am done making my points and it get's to a place where it is no longer productive to stay. Sorry if you do not like it but that is the way it is. If people get pissed from me stating my opinion then maybe they need to take the advice they give alot. Grow some thicker skin.


Where the f' was he 'hammered'...and for no good reason?

Are you taking up the avenging angel role? Are you a moderator now?

You come in and stir the pot and then leave...why? It's funny how you 'state' your opinion, get into shit with someone and then leave.

Where's the resolution...there is none. Almost every thread that has brought about an asshat or potential asshat has has some resolution except with you...why?

It's not your opinion that's pissing people off so much as you just don't get how some things work...oh wait, this is the kinder gentler cp and you're here to see it stays that way!

Yes, I'm in a lot of threads.
Thanks for the PM Don!!

pembroke3355 said:

I will do it everytime I see someone getting hammered for no good reason. As for troll into a thread and piss people off and leave and take my ball. I seem to see you in a vast majority of these threads so you also do your trolling. I leave when I am done making my points and it get's to a place where it is no longer productive to stay. Sorry if you do not like it but that is the way it is. If people get pissed from me stating my opinion then maybe they need to take the advice they give alot. Grow some thicker skin.


Where the f' was he 'hammered'...and for no good reason?

Are you taking up the avenging angel role? Are you a moderator now?

You come in and stir the pot and then leave...why? It's funny how you 'state' your opinion, get into shit with someone and then leave.

Where's the resolution...there is none. Almost every thread that has brought about an asshat or potential asshat has has some resolution except with you...why?

It's not your opinion that's pissing people off so much as you just don't get how some things work...oh wait, this is the kinder gentler cp and you're here to see it stays that way!
m in a lot of threads.

Very classy posting my PM. I stick to my statement if me coming in to a thread with stuff the older guys do not like you need to grow thicker skin. By asking a simple question about his PM problem he get's comments and a picture to make him look like a moron . That to me is hammering someone for no good reason. I am no avenging angel but will speak my mind. There are plenty of threads where people get hammered and for good reason and I say nothing. I thought you were the MOD. I did not come to stir the pot. I stated my opinion and then you and MMM decided to stir it up. The resolution is to leave the guy alone. Rod did not ban him. Instead of trying to make someone look like a a-hole for this is crazy. Maybe a report thread telling Rod you think we have a potential asshat and let him decide. I know how things work here and some people deserve everything they get for being a true asshat and some don't. I knew the kinder thing would not work as there are people here that do not want it to work. If a guy is a true asshat call him out. This guy has done nothing to be classified as a potential asshat. Rod is aware of this thread and if he thought he had a asshat on his hands he would be gone.
We've already determined that I am classless and you are the sensitive type , but I must disagree that Monty Python references are immature.
Thanks for the PM Don!!

pembroke3355 said:

I will do it everytime I see someone getting hammered for no good reason. As for troll into a thread and piss people off and leave and take my ball. I seem to see you in a vast majority of these threads so you also do your trolling. I leave when I am done making my points and it get's to a place where it is no longer productive to stay. Sorry if you do not like it but that is the way it is. If people get pissed from me stating my opinion then maybe they need to take the advice they give alot. Grow some thicker skin.


Where the f' was he 'hammered'...and for no good reason?

Are you taking up the avenging angel role? Are you a moderator now?

You come in and stir the pot and then leave...why? It's funny how you 'state' your opinion, get into shit with someone and then leave.

Where's the resolution...there is none. Almost every thread that has brought about an asshat or potential asshat has has some resolution except with you...why?

It's not your opinion that's pissing people off so much as you just don't get how some things work...oh wait, this is the kinder gentler cp and you're here to see it stays that way!
m in a lot of threads.

Very classy posting my PM. I stick to my statement if me coming in to a thread with stuff the older guys do not like you need to grow thicker skin. By asking a simple question about his PM problem he get's comments and a picture to make him look like a moron . That to me is hammering someone for no good reason. I am no avenging angel but will speak my mind. There are plenty of threads where people get hammered and for good reason and I say nothing. I thought you were the MOD. I did not come to stir the pot. I stated my opinion and then you and MMM decided to stir it up. The resolution is to leave the guy alone. Rod did not ban him. Instead of trying to make someone look like a a-hole for this is crazy. Maybe a report thread telling Rod you think we have a potential asshat and let him decide. I know how things work here and some people deserve everything they get for being a true asshat and some don't. I knew the kinder thing would not work as there are people here that do not want it to work. If a guy is a true asshat call him out. This guy has done nothing to be classified as a potential asshat. Rod is aware of this thread and if he thought he had a asshat on his hands he would be gone.

Don, you simply don't possess the intellect required to be the avenging angel. You miss the point more times than I care to count and have done it again here. The initial responses weren't because he posted a question about PMs, they were in reference to his childish behavior of "packing his bags" after being called on a mistake. If you are going to defend people, at least make an attempt as to understand what is going on.