My new mini coolidor, with trays

I think something like this needs to be my next humidor. nicely done
First off, beautiful coolerdor in every aspect, well played. I have a few questions for you as I am seriously considering making one myself.

What brand of beads and what type of containers are you using for the beads? Also, could you list the brand of the food safe glue used as well?


The beads are from heartfelt industries. If you want info on them, search heartfelt here on CP and you'll find a massive amount of information about them.

The beads are being stored in some small plastic containers I hacked up just for the purpose. They were just tiny tackle boxes I cut the tops out of, and used mesh to hold the beads in. Heartfelt also sells beads in small containers so you don't have to worry about a container for them if you don't want to.

I used Titebond III as my glue. I use it on almost all my woodworking projects. It's waterproof, so it's stable in the moist environment of a humidor, and it is FDA approved for indirect food contact. Also, in quite a few independent tests, Titebond III outperformed its competitors in a number of different strength tests. They sell it in most hardware stores.

Best of luck. If you need any help or additional advice, don't be a stranger.

Thanks you for your response, and I will most definitely ask you more questions when I tackle this project.

