The beads are from heartfelt industries. If you want info on them, search heartfelt here on CP and you'll find a massive amount of information about them.
The beads are being stored in some small plastic containers I hacked up just for the purpose. They were just tiny tackle boxes I cut the tops out of, and used mesh to hold the beads in. Heartfelt also sells beads in small containers so you don't have to worry about a container for them if you don't want to.
I used Titebond III as my glue. I use it on almost all my woodworking projects. It's waterproof, so it's stable in the moist environment of a humidor, and it is FDA approved for indirect food contact. Also, in quite a few independent tests, Titebond III outperformed its competitors in a number of different strength tests. They sell it in most hardware stores.
Best of luck. If you need any help or additional advice, don't be a stranger.