My First Contest

I received some today as well. Thanks you so much Matthew to me this gesture is worth more than a five pack of opus X . You are truly a great guy.

Thank you

Received my package today as well. I've never owned any of these cigars(I can't afford it), I am so thankful for this opportunity.

Thanks so much
I got my package yesterday. Incredible!!!! I couldn't have gotten a better package if i picked it out myself...THANK YOU
I must confess that my eyes went straight to the picture behind your missus. Did she pick it, or did you?
Spad31 told me a little about what was going on here, and I gotta say, you guys are all a class act! Well done! :thumbs:

I got my package Saturday morning...That is an incredible gesture. I've been wanting to try one of those recently, but haven't been able to hit the B&M to see if they even have any. But now, thanks to your incredible generosity, I can give this bad boy a try.
