The fact that you even have to do that is beyond ridiculous. Verhoevc, and others who think you know what is going on. Neal has seen thousands of you come and go, and yet he is still here supporting the place. You may think you know the ins and outs of this place, but you really have not a clue, and neither do I. But I at least appreciate the guys who made this place what it is who came before me and don't try and change the way things are done or accepted because I get my panties in a bunch. This was never just about the price of a humidor, or whether he posts at There was much more at play there that you won't get, and don't need to. Quit trying to change the way things are done, this place is what it is because of the members who first started it.Did I hurt someone's feelings? What the hell is all this whining and how did I get involved in this thread. If you'd like to address me directly, verhoevc, start a thread in the lobby and stop all the ankle biting ya twit. Better yet, I'll start one. You can either shut up or stand up pal, your accusations are not true. That goes for the rest of you malcontents too.
Love the work HM but I'll have to pass at the price stated. I believe you may be overreacting to some comments made here... a little humility goes a long way.
Rant off....