HM, SamClemmon's "work" is being an ass under the guise of 'protecting the community'. And yes, I DO have an agenda that I'm pursuing with my posts in this thread. And it's one that relates to the happening of this thread and is thus warranted. My agenda is the fact that time and again I see members who consider themselves 'elite' due to the amount of time they've been here picking on others. They feel they can get away with it because they have some sort of tenure. That's ridiculous. Just because you've hung around longer than other it doesn't give you the right, or the need, to be an ass. Sure, if the community needs protecting and you feel that the cape and tights best fit you... have at it... but make sure it's actually a cause that needs fighting, and please still do it with a level of tact that we would expect in a COMMUNITY.
It's the same FOGs every time that step in and cause the problems. We laugh at newbies for doing it, but the FOGs can be just as proficient if not more sometimes. You think after such a long time on the board you'd have learned to play nice by now?! But perhaps that's WHY you've been on the board for so long... because you're incapable of playing nice and no one will put up with it in the real world?
What also makes me sick is the people that blindly stick up for these FOGs because they believe they have some magical powers. I assure you, they don't. They act as a forum mafia, they have convinced people they are special and thus can do shit like this and get away with it. And therefore more people become afraid of them because they do not want to be a part of this kinda stuff and get picked on... so they too then sit blindly by and let the FOGs rampage. I for one find their CP mafia and fear tactics juvenile, and thus feel the need, once again, to speak up.
And this is how my agenda relates to this thread... I'm speaking up on behalf of HM, a man too nice to explain the above and rustle some feathers- not that it'll make sense to them anyways... the ego has a way of protecting itself in the face of fact.