Attached is a logo that I beleive will stand out. I took you lilac theme and incorporated it into the logo itself. I made something that will be very inexpensive to print - only two colors with no shading, though it retains a sense of depth and dimention.
I wanted to make something informal (and therefore freehand). Your business is a personal service. You serve people often time when they're having computer issues. When in this situation, people want to be comforted and reassured, not met with something stern and sterile (kind of an advantage you have over the moder tech call centers - maybe you should advertize this point). Yet, your being a member of the chamber balances the informality with business savvy -so you don't seem like a goof-off
I used the terminal font. Still, in my opinion, the best font for this kind of logo (and I have 1000's of fonts).
The flat pannel shows you're up-to-date.
...and though no one would get this conciously (or even otherwise

)- the "DWF" is IN the monitor, like you're IN computers. Artists always think of this subconcious stuff.
Of course, it is entirely possible that you'll hate it. If you do, please tell me. We're not really clients and we have a dozen other guys with ideas.
Even though I do this professionally, that doesn't mean a BOTL won't come up with a better design!

Utilize your free resource.
If and when you want help with you ad, I'll need to know a bit more about you company.