LFD Cheroots

Skeptical because someone in the linky I posted siad you 'traded' with them. There's a tough balance between BOTL and retailer....some don't do it well, others with flare!!!

Unsure of the store (as the only source) as I was 'mis'-informed about a store that may have had them...I apologies for that.

Thanks for clearing up the costs.

Doc....this ones for you! LINKY ;)

No worries. I have traded Cheroots in the past that are from my personal collection on BOTL.org which is my "home" forum. If I am ever selling or trading something from my own stash I would absolutely not put it in the Retailer section.

No need to apologize for anything, you have every right to be skeptical and ask any question that you like, I am not trying to hide anything here.

I have no idea why Litto has chosen for his Cheroot to not be in the form of a traditional cheroot. All I know is the man called it a Cheroot and we are in no position to argue with him. ;)

I will post some pics to show everyone what these look like.

No worries. I have traded Cheroots in the past that are from my personal collection on BOTL.org which is my "home" forum. If I am ever selling or trading something from my own stash I would absolutely not put it in the Retailer section.

Oh brother.....

How's Cliffy doing these days?

Ask him what he ever did with his free ashtray...... ;)
No worries. I have traded Cheroots in the past that are from my personal collection on BOTL.org which is my "home" forum. If I am ever selling or trading something from my own stash I would absolutely not put it in the Retailer section.

Oh brother.....

How's Cliffy doing these days?

Ask him what he ever did with his free ashtray...... ;)

Sorry bro,
Not sure who Cliffy is or what ashtray you are referring to.

I have three boxes of these left and know idea when i will get the next shipment. If you have any interest in getting the Cheroot I would act now, it could be Feb of next year or so before we get more. I wish everyone happy holidays and a safe and fun filled new year.
