Understood fellas and thanks Gary for watching out for the other brothers here. I will refrain from using "fees" in any future sales, I just didn't know that everyone would know what OTP was. Thanks guys.
eh... just say the price is XX plus tax & shipping... most people have no idea they pay OTP anyway, I'd just roll it into the price. And tell Litto to make a hybrid Cheroot Lancero!
Something I don't get is that the Cheroots aren't really cheroots:
cheroot | sh əˈroōt| -
noun - a cigar with both ends open and untapered. ORIGIN late 17th cent.: from French cheroute, from Tamil curuṭṭu ‘roll of tobacco.’
The Cheroot or Stogie is a cylindrical cigar with both ends clipped during manufacture. Since cheroots do not taper, they are inexpensive to roll mechanically, and their low cost makes them particularly popular. Typically, stogies have a length of 3.5 to 6.5 inches, and a ring gauge of 34 to 37. (Ring gauge is a measure of diameter, scaled in 64ths of an inch. A stogie is slightly over 1/2" in diameter.)
The word cheroot comes from French cheroute, from Tamil curuttu/churuttu/shuruttu - roll of tobacco. This word could have been absorbed into the French language from Tamil during the early 16th century, when the French were trying to stamp their presence in South India. The word could have then been absorbed into English from French.[1]
The Asian Connection
Cheroots are traditional in myanmar and India, consequently, popular among the British during the days of the British Empire. They are often associated with Burma in literature:
'Er petticoat was yaller an' 'er little cap was green,
An' 'er name was Supi-yaw-lat -- jes' the same as Theebaw's Queen,
An' I seed her first a-smokin' of a whackin' white cheroot,
An' a-wastin' Christian kisses on an 'eathen idol's foot:
—Rudyard Kipling, (1892) "On the Road to Mandalay," from Barrack-room Ballads
"My brother was unlike us in some things, Sahib. He was fond of the sharab called 'Whisky' and of dogs; he drank smoke from the cheroot after the fashion of the Sahib-log and not from the hookah nor the bidi; he wore boots; he struck with the clenched fist when angered; and never did he squat down upon his heels nor sit cross-legged upon the ground. Yet he was true Pathan in many ways during his life, and he died as a Pathan should, concerning his honour (and a woman). Yea—and in his last fight, ere he was hanged, he killed more men with his long Khyber knife, single-handed against a mob, than ever did lone man before with cold steel in fair fight."
—Captain Percival Christopher Wren, I.A.R., 1912, Driftwood Spars
Apparently, Cheroot smoking was also associated with resistance against tropical disease in India. Verrier Elwin wrote in his 1957 forward to Leaves from the Jungle: Life in a Gond Village:
"A final thing strikes me as I re-read the pages of the Diary that follows is that I seem to have spent much of my time falling ill. I attribute this to the fact that in those days I was a non-smoker. Since I took to the cheroot, I have not had a single attack of malaria, and my health improved enormously in later years."
— (Leaves from the Jungle: Life in a Gond Village, OUP 1992, p.xxix)
A reader will note that malaria was most often contracted by mosquito bites and most likely the cheroot's aroma, by sticking to the skin and hiding the sweat's scent, which draws mosquitoes, contributed to make the smoker less of a target for their bites.