I read the comments regarding Lake Tahoe Cigar Company. Tried doing business with them and found the experience to be both fair and enjoyable. I found their explanation plausible and will most certainly do business with them hence forth. As for those that submitted the negative articles, you may have leaped before you looked.
ROTFLMFAO....Oh, NOW I'm convinced.
I have found, in my years of work dealing in antiquities, luxuries, pleasantries and toiletries, that the Lake Tahoe Cigar Company is a most pleasant and cheerful vendor with whom to do business. I trust them so much, I often leave my virgin 18 year old daughter naked in their breakroom. These guys are that good.
No one knows who I am, and I JUST SO HAPPENED to stumble upon this board and use my first anonymous post to help this gouger, I mean reputable vendor and dear, dear old friend out. I purchase all of my fine cigars there, and think that anyone who does not clearly does not have the benefit of God-given common sense or my stunning intellect and top-grade education. You don't want to look like a buffoon, do you? Then shop at the Lake Tahoe Cigar Company today!
Well, have a cheerful day, chums, and don't forget to patronize the Lake Tahoe Cigar Company for all of your Cigar and Cigar related accesory needs.