Just got engaged


To boldly troll where no Troll has trolled before
Nov 17, 2005
I know I'm not around as much as I'd like but I'm happy to share with you all that I just got engaged.

It sounds like a good excuse to break out and smoke some of my humidor trophies eh?
Congrats to you and your fiancé, definitely a reason/excuse to light up something you've been saving.
You have nice hands, you must moisturize.  Congrats...it's a pretty ring!  How times have changed, typically the man used to give the girl the ring.....
I am going to write a letter to the Pope or someone asking that Heidi be immediately considered for sainthood!!!  Congratulations, bro, that is truly great news.
Wishing you and your fiance' the best.  Congrats Mark, enjoy a top shelf stogie in celebration...... :)  :thumbs:  :cool:
Good thing she said yes Mark! I knew you were sweeting the jewelers return policy....

jfields said:
Good thing she said yes Mark! I knew you were sweeting the jewelers return policy....

Watch out for crabtree.............