Yep, sorry for lack of response. We're ok, it's been a scary few days to say the least. I bet some would think the world was going to end. I appreciate the concern!
Had hail the size of tennis balls on Sunday night, my 6 week old Jeep and wifes van got it, haven't had a chance to inspect the roof yet. Yesterday was a weathermans time of the year, for sure. Storms popped and rode right up I44, but tornadoes were south of us, just tons and tons of rain. My mom, who lives in El Reno, missed that tornado by a mile. It went north of her and did some damage there and in Piedmont and other places. I've never been forced to leave work, in order to make it home before a storm was more then 2hrs away. The city of Tulsa canceled all school sponsored activities and other cities/towns were doing the same as well. This was suppose to be the "perfect storm" and I haven't seen mention of how many tornadoes we had, but it was a lot.
We're lucky and have those families in Joplin, on our minds.