Isn't this over yet? I've been bored since page one.
Get ye gone, villain!
- Tim
Bored no longer!
- Tim
Isn't this over yet? I've been bored since page one.
Get ye gone, villain!
- Tim
Wurm, insight, BlindedByScience, txraddoc, Bsneed51, robbiex0r, Devil Doc, Rural Guy, Not A Nice Person, b.dawgson, Fia, Shamrocker, sinnyc, tsmckenney, grateful1, BigJake6904, MoeCizlak, mmburtch:
Guys, can I send you all a stick or two on my dime? I have been reviewing the site and I really like it and want to participate in good standing. Not my intent when I first posted, but hey, what the hell? I'm really not a dick (well, not all of the time).
Now if my offer is in violation of any rule, then forget I made it. No trades, just offering to send you something.
If you are interested, please let me know and we'll go from there.
Wurm, insight, BlindedByScience, txraddoc, Bsneed51, robbiex0r, Devil Doc, Rural Guy, Not A Nice Person, b.dawgson, Fia, Shamrocker, sinnyc, tsmckenney, grateful1, BigJake6904, MoeCizlak, mmburtch:
Guys, can I send you all a stick or two on my dime? I have been reviewing the site and I really like it and want to participate in good standing. Not my intent when I first posted, but hey, what the hell? I'm really not a dick (well, not all of the time).
Now if my offer is in violation of any rule, then forget I made it. No trades, just offering to send you something.
If you are interested, please let me know and we'll go from there.
Just relax a little and you'll be fine. No one on here wants your cigars, so don't sweat it. Just read, get to know the rules better, and in a little while you'll become a part of the community. Like others have said, there are those who have started off worse than you did and came back from it (like that Souldog24CA prick), so stop worrying.
As far as the rest of you guys, Doc was in the frickin' Navy. FFS, does no one read?!? :laugh: Say it with me: Navy Corpsman.
Just relax a little and you'll be fine. No one on here wants your cigars, so don't sweat it.
Just relax a little and you'll be fine. No one on here wants your cigars, so don't sweat it.
Speak for yourself jackass. I'll mooch a free cigar anywhere, and anytime I can get one. Especially if it's one of them unreleased charity Opus. :laugh:
As far as the rest of you guys, Doc was in the frickin' Navy. FFS, does no one read?!? :laugh: Say it with me: Navy Corpsman.
The floor of CP is littered with the corpses of Pedantic Narcissistic Egoists... you won't be the first and you won't be the last.
Wurm, insight, BlindedByScience, txraddoc, Bsneed51, robbiex0r, Devil Doc, Rural Guy, Not A Nice Person, b.dawgson, Fia, Shamrocker, sinnyc, tsmckenney, grateful1, BigJake6904, MoeCizlak, mmburtch:
Guys, can I send you all a stick or two on my dime? I have been reviewing the site and I really like it and want to participate in good standing. Not my intent when I first posted, but hey, what the hell? I'm really not a dick (well, not all of the time).
Now if my offer is in violation of any rule, then forget I made it. No trades, just offering to send you something.
If you are interested, please let me know and we'll go from there.
Hey, Rural Guy,
The "Esq." is the designator for "laywer," "attorney," "counselor at law," whatever. I am a lawyer. However, one does not become a lawyer in the U.S. by a bestowance from Queen or President. You take the local state and multistate bar exams. And, in my case, I am also a patent attorney, which means I also took the patent bar exam administered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Hey, Rural Guy,
The "Esq." is the designator for "laywer," "attorney," "counselor at law," whatever. I am a lawyer. However, one does not become a lawyer in the U.S. by a bestowance from Queen or President. You take the local state and multistate bar exams. And, in my case, I am also a patent attorney, which means I also took the patent bar exam administered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Don't sell yourself short. You're not just a lawyer, you're a Super Lawyer! and a success guru!.