Well, gentlemen, I have returned!!
I seemed to have recalled a rule against "flaming" fellow members.
Now, it seems like this forum might be run by Devil Doc, and here is one the nice things he said about me:
"We don't have a stupid list. Scumbag will have to do. Young fellas, with more money than brains, need to be protected from that guy. Doc"
Well, Doc, that seems pretty damn harsh, since you don't know me from Adam. "Scumbag?" " . . protected from that guy?" Do you even know me? Hell no!
Care to talk on the telephone or meet me in person? I would be more than happy. Hell, you just might end up apologizing! Especially since you proceeded to delete my post and thread, block my email and libel and slander my good name and reputation. C'mon, now, Doc, don't be a baby and delete this Reply and ban me from the forum. The rules should apply to you just as equally as they apply to everyone else.
Doc, I don't go around trashing and flaming people I don't know. I would ask the same courtesy and respect from you. Really, now, ole fellow, you must set a good example for teh "young fellas."
Would you like to talk? Man to man? Don't chicken out on me good fellow!
By the way, yes, there is now a LIST. I was in trial over the past two weeks beating up my adversary, so I hadn't the time to deal with this until today.
So, will you be a REAL man and agree to speak and/or meet with me in person?
The world is watching . . . . . . .
Richard A. Catalina, Jr., Esq.
Catalina & Associates, A Professional Corporation
Onlmy if theya tastew lieke gremola smoothei....
Drink much? :laugh: At least he got the "ETA" part right!
My problems with this thread are:
1) Why post it in the Cuban Cigar forum?
2) "My client" or "My friend" posts usually end up being made by the person who owns the items for sale and are usually made that way to take the heat off if the poster breaks a forum rule like in this case.
3) And basically listing some of the things available is trolling for PM sales.
Mr. Catalina, you received the information you needed, now please respect CP and leave. We wish you the best of luck selling your client's cigars elsewhere.
Yes, yes, and yes. As tempting as some of the things catman alluded to in "the collection" are, I would surely hope that no member who respects this community and calls themself a CPer would even think about hitting that PM button to him. Way too many red flags, too many ways to get yourself burned, and you would be guilty of contributing to the problem and not the solution.
At any rate, smoking a regular release Opus bought from Isy tastes alot better than any limited release you sold your community out for.
C'mon Doc, he's got Esq. I mean you only get that from the Queen or President right? That's not just some title you can add to the end of your name 'cause you feel like it.
Hey, Rural Guy,
The "Esq." is the designator for "laywer," "attorney," "counselor at law," whatever. I am a lawyer. However, one does not become a lawyer in the U.S. by a bestowance from Queen or President. You take the local state and multistate bar exams. And, in my case, I am also a patent attorney, which means I also took the patent bar exam administered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
Got any more flames to hurl?
I've been thinking about this thread all day. Extensive collection, many expensive rarities, friend who can't smoke cigars anymore . . . is this Michael Douglas's private stash? :whistling:
Not a Nice Person (nor Community for that matter, except Blinded),
No, it is not Michael Douglas' collection. Can't reveal the identity, but can asure you that it is nobody you know. Thx. rac