Happy Thread

I was watching a show about Bridge engineering and it made me think back to my childhood. This bridge was a one lane vehicle Bridge with a railroad bridge on top of it. By the time I went into the service in 1975 the railroad tracks had been removed. It is now a beautiful bridge and the area has a gorgeous historic inn.

This bridge was 2 miles Downstream from the overhead railroad bridge, and I always thought it was so odd to see a bridge going uphill. This bridge is still in use today.
My son is a sick fuck! Must have gotten it from his mother!

I was going through my ammo cabinet and found some ammo for guns that I don't own. I sent this picture to a bunch of people I know have a gun collection to see if anyone had a 38 Smith & Wesson gun. I said I had no idea how I came to own this ammo.

My son replied "You bought it thinking it was a box of Peters didn't you? Only to realize it was actually bullets"

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