Happy Thread

Hi Fam, I’ve been pretty absent these last few years. As of today I finished my degree(better late than never) I hope that after I finish my honeydew list I’ll be back on more often.
Congratulations! No shame in the timeframe -- the important thing is that you accomplished it!
Hi Fam, I’ve been pretty absent these last few years. As of today I finished my degree(better late than never) I hope that after I finish my honeydew list I’ll be back on more often.
Congratulations, its a great accomplishment and you should be proud of it!
Happy that I've successfully started a sourdough starter. I've been wanting to do this for some time, just never did it until this past weekend. On Day 4 the starter process. Blue ball jar is a small pint jar and was before I moved it to a quart jar.

Anyone else make bread at home?


Sourdough 2.jpeg
I don't understand, what did you do?

In order to bake sourdough, you have to create a starter. It's basically water and flour, that you feed/discard/feed/discard over 14 days. After that, you can start taking grams of your activated starter, mixing it with larger amounts of flour/water/salt and baking loaves of sourdough.

I've seen starters that are years old, some even over 100+ years. That means that it's been passed down through generations. People have kept it active by feeding it and baking with it.
In order to bake sourdough, you have to create a starter. It's basically water and flour, that you feed/discard/feed/discard over 14 days. After that, you can start taking grams of your activated starter, mixing it with larger amounts of flour/water/salt and baking loaves of sourdough.

I've seen starters that are years old, some even over 100+ years. That means that it's been passed down through generations. People have kept it active by feeding it and baking with it.
huh... that's really cool thanks for the lesson. Learn something new every day