Happy Thread

That's beautiful Tom, good place for easy thoughts and a good smoke. Cheers.
Its a hobby forced on me by my better half. After all these years it has become somewhat enjoyable/relaxing to weed, prune, deadhead or just wonder through looking at the various plantings. The view from my smoking chair is a little more obstructed than the photos but I do see a lot of Humming Birds along with the all of the other song birds fighting for a spot.
Henry, our Great Dane Pup, got his prescription for Phenobarbital yesterday and we'll be starting it tonight. His seizures are averaging every 8 days and today is day #5 so we've got a few days to hopefully get to therapeutic range. The CBD never stopped his seizures but did seem to reduce the severity so that will stay on-hand as well. Fingers crossed that this beginning low dose will work. 🤞
On Monday 7/17, I'll start my career at Lumen Technologies, doing telecommunication stuff. I've been laid off since 11/3/2022 and have been working part time @ FedEx in the mornings, Door dashing and doing odd jobs when I could. On 5/31 I started working at TDS Telecom, installing/splicing fiber to homes, but I knew it wasn't what I wanted to do. Got the job offer from Lumen and had a down week this week, due to me thinking I'd start on 7/10. So starting this week, I was able to get in some ramp agent training at FedEx, that I wouldn't have been able to do without taking vacation days. I'm learning Weight/Balance training (through Webex, which I'm struggling on staying awake) on how to load the various airplanes @ FedEx, keeping the Center of Gravity/etc.

It's great how things fall into place, when they're meant to be. Will finally be able to get back to the oncology doctor and have my eye checked out/scanned and start back down that road.

I've taken the mantra, the last six months : "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you"
Once again, Dog is incredibly prescient — we found ourselves fostering a mom and pup last night after they literally followed my wife home on her run. Most adorable little things. 🥹

Second, Dog reminds me that I need to make sure all of Enzo and Ettori’s chip and collar information is updated with our new address and phone numbers. If you’ve recently moved (I think that is pretty much all of us…), double check that your doggles have up to date information, too.

On Monday 7/17, I'll start my career at Lumen Technologies, doing telecommunication stuff. I've been laid off since 11/3/2022 and have been working part time @ FedEx in the mornings, Door dashing and doing odd jobs when I could. On 5/31 I started working at TDS Telecom, installing/splicing fiber to homes, but I knew it wasn't what I wanted to do. Got the job offer from Lumen and had a down week this week, due to me thinking I'd start on 7/10. So starting this week, I was able to get in some ramp agent training at FedEx, that I wouldn't have been able to do without taking vacation days. I'm learning Weight/Balance training (through Webex, which I'm struggling on staying awake) on how to load the various airplanes @ FedEx, keeping the Center of Gravity/etc.

It's great how things fall into place, when they're meant to be. Will finally be able to get back to the oncology doctor and have my eye checked out/scanned and start back down that road.

I've taken the mantra, the last six months : "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you"
That’s great news! Congrats on the job! :)
My wife was out running the other night, and as she passed the dumpsters these two things started following her. They stayed with her for a total of about six kilometers, and stayed by the gate after she returned home. We finally let them in, and it was pretty much a done deal after that. 😂 They don’t have chips, and the vet said they are looking very healthy. Now we just need to keep them kind of isolated on the compound for another few days while the worming medicine takes care of any parasites they may have, then we can start trying to introduce them to Enzo and Ettori. Vet estimates them at 3 and 4 months (male and female, respectively). We originally thought they might be momma and pup, but it seems they are BOTH puppies, and not even from the same litter! I never, ever intended to raise puppies again, yet here we are...


My wife was out running the other night, and as she passed the dumpsters these two things started following her. They stayed with her for a total of about six kilometers, and stayed by the gate after she returned home. We finally let them in, and it was pretty much a done deal after that. 😂 They don’t have chips, and the vet said they are looking very healthy. Now we just need to keep them kind of isolated on the compound for another few days while the worming medicine takes care of any parasites they may have, then we can start trying to introduce them to Enzo and Ettori. Vet estimates them at 3 and 4 months (male and female, respectively). We originally thought they might be momma and pup, but it seems they are BOTH puppies, and not even from the same litter! I never, ever intended to raise puppies again, yet here we are...

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Congrats, Papa Nick!
My wife was out running the other night, and as she passed the dumpsters these two things started following her. They stayed with her for a total of about six kilometers, and stayed by the gate after she returned home. We finally let them in, and it was pretty much a done deal after that. 😂 They don’t have chips, and the vet said they are looking very healthy. Now we just need to keep them kind of isolated on the compound for another few days while the worming medicine takes care of any parasites they may have, then we can start trying to introduce them to Enzo and Ettori. Vet estimates them at 3 and 4 months (male and female, respectively). We originally thought they might be momma and pup, but it seems they are BOTH puppies, and not even from the same litter! I never, ever intended to raise puppies again, yet here we are...

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True Spanish dogs. Already rocking a siesta.
Happy: All four dogs were outside unrestrained this morning and have been getting along great. We were a little (lot) worried that the two O.G.'s would be protective of their turf and aggressive, but maybe it's because they are just puppies or maybe they are just getting more lenient in their old age, everything is going well. We started introducing them through the pool fence a few times, but today was the big day (accidentally, as it were). It seems our fears were unfounded.

The pups are still deworming, so we are staying vigilant with cleaning up after them and making sure the big dogs don't get in any of their messes before we can sanitize that area. They have been given a treatment, as well, so there's not much to worry about if they DO accidentally get into something, but it's always better to not let it happen if we can. I'll spare you all the icky details of what we're facing, but the new puppers are still "quarantined" outside (they have the run of the property, really, just can't come inside for a few more days). This is fine, as it gives us a chance to slowly make sure the inside is puppy-proofed as much as we can. I'm not looking forward to the inevitable damage these things are going to cause...
My wife was out running the other night, and as she passed the dumpsters these two things started following her. They stayed with her for a total of about six kilometers, and stayed by the gate after she returned home. We finally let them in, and it was pretty much a done deal after that. 😂 They don’t have chips, and the vet said they are looking very healthy. Now we just need to keep them kind of isolated on the compound for another few days while the worming medicine takes care of any parasites they may have, then we can start trying to introduce them to Enzo and Ettori. Vet estimates them at 3 and 4 months (male and female, respectively). We originally thought they might be momma and pup, but it seems they are BOTH puppies, and not even from the same litter! I never, ever intended to raise puppies again, yet here we are...

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It’s gods way. You let go of one hobby and something even better comes your way to occupy your time.

I think Nick’s Kennels has a nice ring to it 😉