Had a nice sit down discussion outside with my daughter this evening about her future plans. I like that we are able to communicate kind of openly about stuff like this without her just rolling her eyes and "whatever"'ing me. I don't have much mentoring on this sort of thing, so I'm kind of making up the whole "parenting" as I go based on memories of being her age, what I believe to be right and wrong, and learning from past mistakes I've made in all different arenas of life. Based on all of that, my philosophy is that kids are going to do what they are going to do, so all *I* can do is try my best to help her make good decisions. The most stressful feeling I have is going to bed every night with the notion that I may fail in that. I may make mistakes in the whole parent/child thing, but it won't be for lack of trying. We had a great, open talk tonight (while I enjoyed a cigar -- even better!), and I'm incredibly happy we are able to have that sort of relationship... at least sometimes. G'damn moody teenagers...