Happy Thread

View attachment 80851View attachment 80852View attachment 80853View attachment 80854View attachment 80855I had an opportunity to fly with Air Pegasus today which is a Critical Care Air Ambulance. Even got to transport a really sick person to the hospital!
Very cool, Jon. I have great respect and gratitude for air evac crews -- I lit'rally owe my life to some from Arkansas back in the day. My sister did a short stint as an airborne paramedic, but developed inner ear issues and had to quit that job. A very, very good friend of mine is an air ambulance driver in Alabammer. I'm proud of the guy, as he was a straight fuck up in the Air Force but turned his life around.
I've got an interview tomorrow with my current contracted lab to become full time. They are hoping I'll take the Lead Scientist position in Immunohematology which, if the numbers are right, I will. My recruiter for the Healthcare Traveler company I'm with is being very supportive and will keep my position open and waiting if things don't work out.
I've got an interview tomorrow with my current contracted lab to become full time. They are hoping I'll take the Lead Scientist position in Immunohematology which, if the numbers are right, I will. My recruiter for the Healthcare Traveler company I'm with is being very supportive and will keep my position open and waiting if things don't work out.
Good luck!!!!
I've got an interview tomorrow with my current contracted lab to become full time. They are hoping I'll take the Lead Scientist position in Immunohematology which, if the numbers are right, I will. My recruiter for the Healthcare Traveler company I'm with is being very supportive and will keep my position open and waiting if things don't work out.

Well how did it turn out?
I've got an interview tomorrow with my current contracted lab to become full time. They are hoping I'll take the Lead Scientist position in Immunohematology which, if the numbers are right, I will. My recruiter for the Healthcare Traveler company I'm with is being very supportive and will keep my position open and waiting if things don't work out.
Sounds like you and I are in the same industry. What exactly do you do?
Last year my granddaughter was selling gift cards for handles ice cream. They were $6.25 for a pint.

Today I bought a bunch more for my grandson's fundraiser.

$6.25 per pint is $50 per gallon!

Holy rip roaring fuck! I love my grandkids!