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Guys you need to stop throwing out the babies...

Wurm, although it seems to be unpopular, I'm with you on this one.

Most newbies want to ask questions and are looking for dialogue with other cigar smokers. When you are new to anything there is a level of exitement and interest. I remember when I first started buying premium cigars and got off the Swisher Sweets, I asked a ton of questions. If there weren't forums to discuss the hobby and develop my interest, I wouldn't have 4 humidors and hundreds of smokes that I tend to weekly.

Referring questions regarding cigars to the "Use the Search" on a cigar forum is like everytime your child asks you a question about something instead of answering them you refer them to the encyclopedias and dictionaries in the bookcase. Eventually your kid will quit asking you questions and look it up in a book and go away.

I notice that this forum gets less traffic than some of the other forums. Maybe if it were more novice friendly more newbies would join, get involved and stick around. I'm saying that we need to bite our tongues or answer the "do you cut or punch" and "what's the proper RH" questions with a smile. We were all new to this at some point.
Isn't that the idea once they've reached about their 6th birthday? Isn't teaching them how to find the answers themselves a lot more valuable than just telling them the answer every time?

This is starting to sound like a bunch of kids whining about the old farts making them do things the "hard way." Christ almighty...
Wurm, although it seems to be unpopular, I'm with you on this one.

Most newbies want to ask questions and are looking for dialogue with other cigar smokers. When you are new to anything there is a level of exitement and interest. I remember when I first started buying premium cigars and got off the Swisher Sweets, I asked a ton of questions. If there weren't forums to discuss the hobby and develop my interest, I wouldn't have 4 humidors and hundreds of smokes that I tend to weekly.

Referring questions regarding cigars to the "Use the Search" on a cigar forum is like everytime your child asks you a question about something instead of answering them you refer them to the encyclopedias and dictionaries in the bookcase. Eventually your kid will quit asking you questions and look it up in a book and go away.

I notice that this forum gets less traffic than some of the other forums. Maybe if it were more novice friendly more newbies would join, get involved and stick around. I'm saying that we need to bite our tongues or answer the "do you cut or punch" and "what's the proper RH" questions with a smile. We were all new to this at some point.
Isn't that the idea once they've reached about their 6th birthday? Isn't teaching them how to find the answers themselves a lot more valuable than just telling them the answer every time?

This is starting to sound like a bunch of kids whining about the old farts making them do things the "hard way." Christ almighty...

I understand both sides of the argument, I'm just trying to make the newbies feel comfortable without annoying the rest.

I am calling all you new guys out.

You all want to sit here and tell everyone how great this hobby is, how glad you are to be a part of it, and how excited you are to be starting a new journey. Hell some of you even post about the huge cigar collection you have and the great number of humidors you own (then you ask "what is a hydro", "what Rh should I use). If this new hobby and life style is so freaking great and super, why don't you try to help yourself.

You know what, if you look for your answers you might just find something new besides what you are looking for. Have I asked some bonehead questions in the few months that I have been here, hell yes. Did I do a search every time before I asked a question, hell no. But, I was reminded that just like the X-Files, the truth is out there. And I started searching away for my own answers.

I understand the point Wurm is making, I really do. It does suck to post a question or ask for some help and all you get is a page of "search is your friend" but that means the answer is already out there, and you get to start a little mini-quest of enlightenment, and as Scotty4USC would say "thats a win/win"

I try to cover down on the the new guys, as best as a new guy can. Turk, you seem like a pretty good guy. You post in this thread however, come off rude, and that is what is causing the replies that you are getting. I have stated most of this before in a different topic, [topic="36077"]here[/topic], and even though I hate doing it, I just bumped for all the new guys that might be reading this.

And last. If you don't like this place, and want to leave just do it already...don't tell me about it, I got over that playground posturing years ago.

Just what these eyes see....
MX, i've written about 3 responses now, only to delete each one. i don't give a damn to argue about this anymore. You seem like a nice guy too from your posts.

Just please read my first post in this thread and tell me where I was rude. I think that may have fallen by the wayside, as my first post was not rude to anyone.
Who cares? All Wurm said was to try an be nice. Some of you simply won't and some of you will. Just my (wrong) opinion...
Who cares? All Wurm said was to try an be nice.

Yep that was the whole point of my thread. Never thought it would turn into such a shit storm, and that kinda proves my point. It SHOULDN'T have turned into a shit storm at all.

Telling people to use search is warranted at times, it is also at times very counter productive. If we all only used search to find all our answers here, this place would be barren of any cigar related talk at all, and Rod could change the name to Babes, Jokes and Insults Pass.

This is a topic that could have been, should have been, discussed in a civil manner. Its a shame that it wasn't.
Hey Could someone please tell me which way is the proper orientation for sticks in the humi? Do they go vertical or horizontal? Also someone mentioned 65-70Rh. Whats an Rh?
Hey Could someone please tell me which way is the proper orientation for sticks in the humi? Do they go vertical or horizontal? Also someone mentioned 65-70Rh. Whats an Rh?

You stand them on the head, you can fit a lot more in that way... Your humi needs to be at 80/80 because cigars smoke better with beetles in them. and RH stands for "Republika Hrvatska"
MX, i've written about 3 responses now, only to delete each one. i don't give a damn to argue about this anymore. You seem like a nice guy too from your posts.

Just please read my first post in this thread and tell me where I was rude. I think that may have fallen by the wayside, as my first post was not rude to anyone.

This is my 2nd attempt at replying to you, the first one was lost when my server went down.

I think you may have misinterpreted my post, I was not saying that any one post you made was rude, but the totality of your post read that way to me.

here is an example....

Grow up, you aren't e-cool because you can be the first to tell someone to search, whether you know that person did search or not. Sure, there's people that join and drop a one hitter here, just like every other forum. But the attitude is sure to make new people who could be grow to be great members wonder if they should look elsewhere.

And there are other sites with just as good content here, this isn't like a secret club of coolness. The idea of someone outwardly bashing another board is just lame. Grow up. If you have to resort to bashing the "competition" you've already proved something.

and this...

ahh maturity and grace at its finest.

and again...

I digress, you folks aren't worth me missing dinner over. There's only a handful of people that appear to believe in crucifying the people that are newer around here.. I wish you found more pleasure in your hobby.

oh, and this

jonesy, i don't give a shit about people who won't allow me to have my own opinion without bashing me. Wurm brought up a topic and people shit on him for his opinion. I backed him up because I'd seen the posts that he was talking about over that last month. Now I'm the target cause i'm the newb. Its totally ok.. I don't actually care, i'll go away now..

Good luck

Nothing really over the top, it just lends to an over all feeling of "rude", for me. Again, I am speaking for just myself here. If I am wrong, then so be it, I will admit it, no biggie.

No hard feeling intended, after all we are both from the 713/409...unless you are 218....lol

No hard feeling intended, after all we are both from the 713/409...unless you are 218....lol


I'm from the 281 at home in League City and the 713 at work downtown, AND the 832 on the mobile! I got em all covered, cept the 409
Awww You guys........ :love: