Gun advice

I have had so many problems with my Taurus .357 mag revolver and their customer service sucks. I will NEVER buy another Taurus. I would look at a used Springfield 1911. I love mine.
What do you guys think of the S&W 1911 vs. the rest of those mentioned? It looks like they run right in the middle pricewise.
I have a 1911 Springfield GI Model, and it hasn't failed me yet.

Retail is $550 - $600, and you can pick them up used for around $400.
I have a 1911 Springfield GI Model, and it hasn't failed me yet.

Retail is $550 - $600, and you can pick them up used for around $400.

This man is correct. I also hve the GI model and it hasn't given me a problem yet. I love the grips on it that say "U.S." It just reminds me of something my grandpa would have in WWII.
Mhm, I'm having a hard time finding any springfields, and I ain't payin' 500 for a used one....I've been to 4 shops, need to keep searching.
Have you checked out You can buy it there and have it sent to your local shot.
Cheaper than dirt also has auctions.

I personally have a Colt Govt. Model Series 70 and a Springfield xd 45 compact.
Just put 20 rounds through an XD at a range with my buddy who is going to buy one. Nice gun...but I dunno how I feel about all that plastic haha.
I carried a Colt Combat Government for 18 years from the time I bought it in '83 and it is still my carry weapon. While you don't need to find one like that a used Colt will suit you well now and can be later built to whatever level you want. You should be able to find something in your price range, especially after Christmas when the bills start comin' in.
i'm going to say ditto on the Colt.. IMHO Kimber's are overpriced and the quality of today's Kimber is not the same as it once was. At one time when you owned a Kimber you knew you held a precision made, high quality, high end pistol. While its still high end, I think the precision and quality have fallen with its popularity.

they're still fine firearms, but they aren't the same as they were, but the price never went down to match.
My 2 1911 of choice are:

Springfield Armory 1911-A1 ( I have an older stainless with full length guide rod and Trijicon night sights)
Para-Ordnance 14-45 LDA ( carried this for about 4 years, great concealment gun, and easy to shoot)

i'm going to say ditto on the Colt.. IMHO Kimber's are overpriced and the quality of today's Kimber is not the same as it once was. At one time when you owned a Kimber you knew you held a precision made, high quality, high end pistol. While its still high end, I think the precision and quality have fallen with its popularity.

they're still fine firearms, but they aren't the same as they were, but the price never went down to match.

I would have to disagree with you here Turk. Now days Colts are way overpriced, and the quality has gone out the window. The colts that I have shot have problems. Jamming being a large one. Now, I will agree with you that Kimbers quality control has gone down over the past couple years. Not that they still don't make a quality firearm, but you have to look a little harder to find a great one. You need to know what you are looking at when buying a kimber, to make sure its fit correctly, the spacings are all right, and for a few other little things. Though as long as you get the right one they are some outstanding firearms. And if you look in the right place they can be had for a very reasonable price. A friend of mine just got a new Warrior model for a mere $600. And this warrior is the nicest Kimber I have ever seen. This particular Kimber is built to Wilson Combat quality level. Another great kimber buy that you can always find is the model that Gander Mountain had them make. Featuring the aluminum anodized grip frame, Custom wood grips, and Target sights. With a humble price tag of $800. A very good buy. One other thing to say of course is to watch for one thing when buying a used Kimber. Kimber made a VERY bad decision a couple of years ago, and switched to an external extractor for one year. These external extractors are absolutely horrible jamming machines. Some of them will jam up to 7 times per magazine fired. After that 1 years run they quickly went back to the internal extractor, and all guns with problems were fixed at no cost to the owner. They fixed them by changing the slide to one with an internal extractor.