OK, heres the scoop:
#11: Ashton VSG
#39: Partagas 898 Var. '01 (ISOM)
#46: RASS (ISOM)
#58: Bolivar Corona Gigante '01 (ISOM)
#59: Punch Punch '99 (ISOM)
#60: Monte No. 2 '01 (ISOM)....GB ONLY!!!
#61: RyJ No. 4 '98 (ISOM)
#62: CAO Gold (dbl. corona size)
#63: Padron 5000 (well aged)
#64: Felipe II Fusion F3 (three years old)
#65: Partagas Black (pita size)
#66: CAO Brazilia (robusto size)
#67: La Gloria Cubana (churchill)
GB...once again, NIce Pass! Thanks for lettin' me play. I hope my puts are acceptable to everyone. Good luck with the remainder of the pass. And.....
.......Congratulations Old Man!!!!! :sign: :thumbs:
Floyd T.