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Sheesh, the ole man is getting testy isn't he, man :p . I sure hope you put on a new pair of Depends before you got your dander up. :p :p :sign:

LOL. . .
Once you become a Grandpa, you get to BE TESTY! And don't YOU forget it! ! !


:D :D :D

Hey what is thread jacking? Does it have ANYTHING to do with babies?


Alright, I've debated since you first posted and I finally decided to go for it.

May I join in ? :)

:( What I get for going on vacation! :(

Hey, if this hasn't gotten too crowded, this granddaddy would like in, too! In three weeks everything that I'm currently involved in should have settled down (I think).

Fingers crossed and waiting...... :lookup:
Alright. . .


You are all in!

After midnight tonight, this pass closes. This is gonna be a big pass, and lots of you guys are in. I CAN'T WAIT! ! !

I will be out of town on Monday and Tuesday of this week, and then I will post the Players and the Cigar Lineup that we will start off with.

Hope to get this pass going on about Friday of this week.

It will start off in Florida. . .move up the eastern seaboard. . . move over to the midwest and then on the Washington State. . . Then, over to Aloha land. After that, it will stop in California, move on the Arizona and NM. . .and then BACK TO GRANDPAW'S PLACE IN HOG HEAVEN! ! ! ! (By the way Texas fans. . .did you notice the Razorbacks on Saturday? ? )

So. . . .last time to get on board! Sign up before Midnight tonight (CDT) because after that, it closes.


GB (aka Steve the GrandPaw)
:( Yup, there ya go again! "...back to AZ and NM..."

Hmmph, what is Utah, chopped liver? :) I know that Lucasbuck and I are the only utahns on here, but geeze!

"Welcome to Utah, land of funny underwear."

"Welcome to Utah, please set your watches back thirty years."

:D :D :D :D :D
Well. . . .don't worry. . . Utah gets it on the swing through the midwest. . .

It will be Ohio, then on to Utah and Colorado. . .
Then on the Washington State, Hawaii, and so forth and so on, and so forth and so on . . . . :D :D :D

This one is GONNA BE GREAT! ! ! !

Can't wait! ! ! !


GB (aka Grand Daddy! ! ! !)
Don't worry about us brothers out here in the far left coast we'll take good care of the pass when it comes our way GrandPa Steve sounds like a good plan to me.

Looking forward to Pass Time Yeeehaaaa............. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

BenjieV :D
You know, it's after midnight last night, so if you have enough passers already then don't worry a bit, I understand. If theres room for one more then I'm in.

I'm going to be busy for a while and already have a couple other passes I'm involved with so I wasn't planning on joining any more for the moment. This one just looks way too good to pass up though and I can't seem to stop myself from throwin my hat in the ring.

Let me know Steve. Either way I'm fine.
Hey GB, you said the pass is gonna start in Florida, don't forget that I'll be gone till the 25th. I know there's others here in FL, but I'm just remindin' your ole' grandpa ass. Bein' old and stuff, sometimes you start to forget things when you get up in the ages..... :D :sign: :p
What can I say Gibu. . . I'm a sucker. . . :D :D YOUR IN! ! !

BUT THAT ENDS IT (I think. . .LOL)

And Stogie, I may be old and forgetful now. . .but I won't forget the mean things you just said to me :p :p :p There WILL be payback! ! ! ! HA HA HA

This is really going to be a FANTASTIC pass! ! ! I am looking forward to the whole thing getting off the ground and underway.

Once I get back home, I will load the tupperdor, put together an instruction booklet to put in the pass, post the info for all of you, and then get this show on the road. There are three stops in Florida, and then it travels on north.

Guys. . . thanks in advace for joining in the pass and helping me celebrate my new Grandson's arrival. WE ARE GONNA HAVE A GREAT TIME! ! ! !


Okay Guys. . .

Looks like this pass is gonna go out sometime on Monday.

The order will be like this. . .

dixieland conjunction
Coventrycat 86
Father Tiresius
Joe Invest
Joe M

This is a GREAT LINEUP! ! !

I am waiting on a couple of cigars to come in, and when they do, I will list the Cigar Lineup! It's gonna be a good one to start off with too.

All cigars will be numbered, and there will be a supply of numbers in the box.
Since there are so many of us, please try to turn this thing around within 72 hours. That way, it will keep moving. As it is, it will still be after Christmas before this pass makes it's way back to Hog Heaven! ! !

This is gonna be a FANTASTIC PASS! ! !

Can't wait to get it on the way! ! ! !


STEVE (the GrandPaw)
Aaaahaaaaaaaaaaa! I get to go before Dixie! :p

nana booboo!!!!!! :sign:
Wow!! Holly super long lists Batman!! I mean Assman!!!

The list of who's not in would have been easier. :D

Very impresive lineup. This should be a doosy. Thanks again for letting me play Steve.
You guys are right. . .

This is gonna be a FANTASTIC PASS! ! ! Everyone seems to be in it.

Can't wait to get it going! ! !

:D :D :D :D
Well let's go Grampa, get that walker goin and get this sucker out the door (after the shipment comes in :D )

Happy, er, well, that's already been done. ;)
Good luck all of you, and make this pass a MONSTER pass!!! :D

Can´t some one take some photos on the way??
For us who don´t participate in this great pass...