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Grab Bag Pass

Big Worm

Commander Worm of the Southern Alliance
Jul 2, 2001
Hey, just thought of a cool idea!  Lets get 10 people together, 9 counting me, and start a new type of pass.  What we'll do is once all the snailers are in I'll type them up into address labels and drop them in a large ziplock, then I'll draw out one of them and that's who the pass goes to first.  I'll post the delivery confirmation so you can track it and see if it's coming your way. (a trick I picked up from MattR, hope you don't mind! :^) )  When you receive the box, post puts and takes -same as normal pass procedures- and then draw a name from the bag and send it out.  Post delivery conf. # and we'll watch it go wherever it may be headed.  The last person to receive the pass will, obviously, have an empty address label/name ziplock and will post his/her puts and takes and send it back to me. My address label will be in a seperate bag.  So whaddaya think?  Sound like you might be interested in joining? First 9 to respond are in.  Anything goes ('cept dog rockets) ISOM's included.
(Edited by Big Worm at 12:08 am on July 11, 2001)
oh ok. you had me going with the "empty ziplok" thing, but Mayhem the Dull finally understands. i'm in.
Sorry 'bout that, it was kinda' confusing so I changed it! MAde it sound like the last guy on the pass got duped!!!! LMAO, now that's a bad bomb!
Great, Mayhem and Mel - welcome aboard. NEED 7 more until liftoff!
Hey Bigworm count me in.Glad to see you get one going here a Cigar Pass. Don't forget CPI cigar pass insurance
it is an easy way to gain a little peace of mind.
I've never done a cigar pass before, but I'd join if allowed. I'm in SE Georgia.
Ok, great response so far! I have the following people signed up. No snailers as of now so send then to me ASAP, I'd like to get this out on Monday.
Big Worm
Mayhem IV
cjdoyleCJ, of course you can join our pass as long as you're familiar with the general pass rules and the specific rules of this pass. If you have any qiestions please let us know BEFOREHAND so we can get you straightened out. I'm no veteran either, this is my first time starting a pass so hop right in! Glad to have everyone aboard; remember to send those snailers!Ryan
Ok, need snailers from:
cjdoyleEveryone else is ready to roll.We just need 3 more people and I'll get this sucker rolling; this should be a lot of fun!!!!
Ok Mr. Data, let's see what's out there. Warp Factor 3....ENGAGE! :biggrin:I'm in! Snailer sent! Let the good times roll. :)
Wooooohoooo. NEED JUST 1 MORE TO GET THIS PUPPY ROLLIN'!!! Looks like it's a mostly east coast crowd save for Vern and Mayhem. Updated list of participants and snailers needed:Big Worm
Mayhen VI
Sam The ManAlrighty then, we get one more compadre and three more snailers and this puppy WILL fly before Monday. If we don't get the last one and/or the last snailers by Monday she's probably gonna' fly anyway; so PLEASE send me those snailers and we'll get started. I can't wait, this should be great fun for all!!!
One more snailer...and we have lift off!!! :)
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1............  :oYahooooooo! :biggrin:PS: I already have my puts figured out..... so come to Papa! :wink:
Thanks cj just got your snailer! Sam, LMFAO, I think you're more excited than I am !!!! Cool, now we just need 1 more passer and Bob's snailer which I'm sure he'll send over tonight. So, be prepared, it's getting ready to roll. I'll be posting the shipment contents probably tomorrow so keep an eye open.Later,
Hey, if you need another person, you can just send the pass to ME twice!!! LOL  :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Well folks, looks like it's friday the 13th and we have bad luck..... NO 10TH PASSER!!!!! Oh well, if one is not seized by Sunday afternoon, let's say......6 pm eastern then the pass will go out with the 9 passers we have now; 8 if I do not receive Bob's snailer. So, please, Bob send me your snailer via e-mail or messenger. Keep tight folks, I'll be posting the box contents later this evening; probably after about 8 more Bud Lights and a Monte #2 ISOM. I love Fridays!!!!