Good morning all, the coffee is on and we have a Code "Red" at West Point untill noon as a result of the freezing rain and sleet:
Snow Policy (Non-emergency positions)
RED UNTIL (stated time)." Employees should not report until the announcement time. Supervisors will excuse absences without charge to leave for all employees affected whether or not leave was previously approved. Employees who do not report for work by the announced time will be charged leave for the remainder of their absence if it was properly requested and approved.
Well, we sure had some interesting NFL games this weekend and congrats to the NY Rangers for their 3rd win in a row on the road.
Later on today, I'm heading down to Bethesda, MD to spend a few days with my son Jeremy at the new Walter Reed Medical Center. He is between Chemo Therapy sessions so I thought it would be nice for to see another friendly face. I'll let you all know how he is doing once I get home. Enjoy the week everyone and stay warm........
