Good morning all, the coffee has been on since 0420 as we (West Point) had our first "Adverse Weather Conference Call" this morning with the impending weather headed our way. After all of the key players weighing in, it is determined that West Point is "
Code Red" all day:
Snow Policy (Non-emergency positions)
"WEST POINT IS CODE WHITE UNTIL (stated time, or, all day)."The West Point Snow Policy is in effect until the stated time, or all day. Employees, who might be prevented from reporting to work, should be granted annual leave, accrued compensatory time or LWOP if they prefer. Employees still need to contact their supervisor for approval. Specific procedures for requesting leave in these circumstances are at the discretion of each activity.
"WEST POINT IS CODE RED UNTIL (stated time)." Employees should not report until the announcement time. Supervisors will excuse absences without charge to leave for all employees affected whether or not leave was previously approved. Employees who do not report for work by the announced time will be charged leave for the remainder of their absence if it was properly requested and approved.
"WEST POINT IS CODE RED ALL DAY." Only employees in emergency positions should report to work. Employees in non-emergency positions should not report to work until their next regularly scheduled workday.
Watch Command message on snow policy
NOAA is still predicting 8" to 10" in our area, should be a great way to start this Thanksgiving holiday. Be safe out there everyone and give thanks and enjoy........
