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Firefox Users....


Boobies...'cause I likes 'em
Mar 16, 2007
I've been a fan of Firefox for a long time.

Anybody out there utilize the Add-ons?

I just loaded AdBlock Plus and the difference it makes is amazing.

BTW...Ver 2.x has built-in spell checker that works very well in forums and chat sites.

Dang cool I tell ya'


If you stayed off those damn porn sites, you wouldn't need adblock. Pervert.

Rod doesn't want us to give just one word answers in posts so here goes:

Yes, I do use Firefox add-ins
Yep, I use Firefox and a variety of add-ons. If you haven't explored the list, you really should. There's something there for everyone.

Here's what I have installed.

Adblock - usually turned off, though.
ColorZilla - shows you the color under your mouse pointer (useful for web design)
LiveHTTPHeaders - allows you to see and modify raw HTTP requests
ReloadEvery - reloads pages every X seconds
SplitBrowser - allows you to split the browser window (either the same page or open an alternate page in a split window)
Text Link - double click on a plain text link to open it in a new tab
User Agent Switcher - switch identity of the browser (make it appear as Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc.)
Viamatic foXpose - shows thumbnails of all tabs on one screen (slow, I rarely use it)

Just for reference, I used SplitBrowser to open a split screen with Google to search for all of the links to those extensions. So rather than two windows open so I can edit my post and view the results on the same screen, I just split the existing browser window. Probably not useful all of the time, but can be handy every now and then.

---John Holmes...
While the add-ons are great, there are a ton of configuration options in about:config, too. Just type about:config into the address bar. Many of the add-ons are just graphical interfaces to these options. The main one I always change is browser.search.openintab - set to TRUE to have searches automatically open in a new tab (from search box in upper right).

You can control a lot of the layout from there, whether close buttons are on each tab or not, for example. It's worth exploring, too. :)

---John Holmes...
I use forecastfox for some weather updates.
I tried the add-on that changes the look of Firefox, but that was about it.
RealPlayer browser record
Video downloader
switch proxy tool
snapshots - this one I generally leave off.
Here is my list of extensions.

Aardvark - web design
Alexa Sparky - web design
Better GReader
Book Burro
Fasterfox - makes firefox work faster supposedly, though you can do the same thing with about:config
Firebug - web design
FoxClocks - because I travel so much in the navy.
Foxmarks Bookmark Sync - Since I move computers alot, all of my bookmarks stay the same
IE Tab - web design
ScribeFire - blogging
Tab Mix Plus
YSlow - web design
For those of you stuck on IE at work and unable to install anything, there's Portable Firefox, too. It'll run off a USB drive or just drag the folder to your desktop and double-click to run. No installation needed. Add-ons, bookmarks, etc. all still work.

---John Holmes...
I use Down Them All - great tool for multiple file downloads and
Wizz RSS newsreader
one of the best add-on's for firefox is the key scrambler. It scrambles your passwords everytime you log-on to anything, so just in case if someone is searching through your comp or spyware, they wont get your passwords.
SplitBrowser - allows you to split the browser window (either the same page or open an alternate page in a split window)
Just realized this is a great way to surf around and chat at the same time. Now I don't miss as much.

I use Pimpzilla which adds a gold, diamond and leopard skin look to my browser. Hot.
I also use cooliris, which previews pictures and websites for you, but it's a bit hard to hit the right spot to make it work, and sometimes it's just plain annoying.
I also have Pronto shopping which will compare prices on anything you're looking at, but it's also annoying.