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Fake Davidoff and Dunhills sold on CP

Thanks for clearing this up, Tim. I know you and would validate your word any day of the week (twice on Sundays).
Since when did we become kinder and gentler? I still see people who screw up being called on it all the time.

BTW is there any more info in regards to the fake cigars forthcoming? The posts about the bands and wrappers was great but surely there is more.

How soon we forget! You made one off the cuff remark about SS when you were a Newb and had Bill on your butt for a year.:p

Since when did we become kinder and gentler? I still see people who screw up being called on it all the time.

BTW is there any more info in regards to the fake cigars forthcoming? The posts about the bands and wrappers was great but surely there is more.

How soon we forget! You made one off the cuff remark about SS when you were a Newb and had Bill on your butt for a year.:p


Bill and Shawn :love:
Because it was unclear whether he was knowingly involved in this or another unlucky guy. His refusal to reply has made that irrelevant. Beyond that, I hadn't brought him up for review yet, whereas I had carte blanche approval from the rest of the committee for the other two guys a while ago.
Since when did we become kinder and gentler? I still see people who screw up being called on it all the time.

BTW is there any more info in regards to the fake cigars forthcoming? The posts about the bands and wrappers was great but surely there is more.

No we stopped calling out folks right away, and we have let a stuff slide that wouldn't have passed muster.

Actually, this can be dated somewhat to the creation of p-u-f-f-.-c-o-m!

As I look at all the folks involved who believe the smokes are legit...they are all(most) friends from CS and now a new board.

When the gates opened to those who left the 'takeover', those in tenure and others were asked to go easy. The outcome is getting more clear.

....change just is!
I'm very happy to see Tim come and give us his take from his end of the situation. Thanks bro.

Van55, I think your opinion is valid in this. :p
Since when did we become kinder and gentler? I still see people who screw up being called on it all the time.

BTW is there any more info in regards to the fake cigars forthcoming? The posts about the bands and wrappers was great but surely there is more.

How soon we forget! You made one off the cuff remark about SS when you were a Newb and had Bill on your butt for a year.:p


True but Bills an even bigger Prick than you Doc.
Since when did we become kinder and gentler? I still see people who screw up being called on it all the time.

BTW is there any more info in regards to the fake cigars forthcoming? The posts about the bands and wrappers was great but surely there is more.

How soon we forget! You made one off the cuff remark about SS when you were a Newb and had Bill on your butt for a year.

True, but Bill is an even bigger Prick than you Doc.

Watch your grammar and punctuation!:laugh:

So if you have inventory left from this, what is the recourse?

Smoke them, and enjoy them for what they are. From the way it sounds these aren't terrible cigars by any means, just not what they were purported to be.

Boy what a cluster this has turned out to be. I am going to put my faith in the people that know me the best to validate "MY WORD". They know me, and will validate me when I say that there was NO way I ever knew before or soon after the sale of these cigars that there was a possibility of them being presumed fake. I didnt know anything about the possibility of them being fake until these threads started a couple years later.
Just to clarify what happened, I was just the "money man" of these cigars, I never even seen the cigars. ) the only reason I agreed to sell them is because I trusted AB). I communicated and took the orders, and then collected the funds, once the funds were collected, I notified AB that he could ship. He then shipped directly to the buyers, and that was the end of it.
What I later found out was that these cigars were bought from Bruce (another member, at the time was a trusted individual; or at least had no reason NOT to be trusted). I was told that these cigars were bought as singles from broken up cabs, and during the sale tried to convey all of what I knew at the time to all in the sale threads.
I did not profit from the sale of these cigars, I only got a slight discount from the advertized price; of which I bought 3 or 4.

I am truly sorry for the small part I played in this fiasco, I, like you, was a victim in all of this also.

Thank you for posting... I think that given that you are a victim as well, posting the contact information you have for AllenB in this thread would be useful, to give those who are aggrieved a channel to pursue for refunds.

If AllenB refuses refunds, and people complain, perhaps he can be added to the Scumbags list as well.

So if you have inventory left from this, what is the recourse?

Smoke them, and enjoy them for what they are. From the way it sounds these aren't terrible cigars by any means, just not what they were purported to be.

That amounts to "be quiet, take it up the ass, and try to smile whilst doing so"... for people who are out a lot of money because of this fiasco, I think that's probably not on the top of their list of things to do.

If it were me, I'd be getting in touch with AllenB.

Boy what a cluster this has turned out to be. I am going to put my faith in the people that know me the best to validate "MY WORD". They know me, and will validate me when I say that there was NO way I ever knew before or soon after the sale of these cigars that there was a possibility of them being presumed fake. I didnt know anything about the possibility of them being fake until these threads started a couple years later.
Just to clarify what happened, I was just the "money man" of these cigars, I never even seen the cigars. ) the only reason I agreed to sell them is because I trusted AB). I communicated and took the orders, and then collected the funds, once the funds were collected, I notified AB that he could ship. He then shipped directly to the buyers, and that was the end of it.
What I later found out was that these cigars were bought from Bruce (another member, at the time was a trusted individual; or at least had no reason NOT to be trusted). I was told that these cigars were bought as singles from broken up cabs, and during the sale tried to convey all of what I knew at the time to all in the sale threads.
I did not profit from the sale of these cigars, I only got a slight discount from the advertized price; of which I bought 3 or 4.

I am truly sorry for the small part I played in this fiasco, I, like you, was a victim in all of this also.

Thank you for posting... I think that given that you are a victim as well, posting the contact information you have for AllenB in this thread would be useful, to give those who are aggrieved a channel to pursue for refunds.

If AllenB refuses refunds, and people complain, perhaps he can be added to the Scumbags list as well.

...or Tim could act as an intermediary, working on behalf of those that bought cigars here to square it away with AllenB. :thumbs:
Has anyone received AllenB's contact info from Tim? If not, I don't understand the reluctance in releasing AllenB's contact info? I would think that if you were also a victim, then this is a no brainer. PM the info to those who bought from you if you feel that publicly posting the info is wrong.
I have asked several people and haven't gotten it yet. I have some folks looking into it who know him better

Also fwiw it is my understanding that Allan has been aware of these threads since they began and has been active on private boards since.
AB hasn't been added yet, Bruce and Chibnkr were added over the weekend.

Why hasn't "AB" been added yet? Just wondering.

Thanks for your input, Van, however infrequent.

The fact is he didn't know anything about these cigars other than the collector from whom he bought them (and now all of us regarding the low temperature, low humidity storage conditions).

Believe what you may, but AB wasn't a perpetrator of anything nefarious. Just a collector who had to move most of cigars due to the recession and I'll stand by any reputation that I have here at CP regarding this topic
Damn Bobby, well I've gotta respect that commitment. :thumbs:

What's the next step thus far, Phil? Where is this whole investigation at now?
AB hasn't been added yet, Bruce and Chibnkr were added over the weekend.

Why hasn't "AB" been added yet? Just wondering.

Thanks for your input, Van, however infrequent.

The fact is he didn't know anything about these cigars other than the collector from whom he bought them (and now all of us regarding the low temperature, low humidity storage conditions).

Believe what you may, but AB wasn't a perpetrator of anything nefarious. Just a collector who had to move most of cigars due to the recession and I'll stand by any reputation that I have here at CP regarding this topic

Do you believe that Allen should be offering refunds for the cigars he sold? If not him, them whom?
Pretty Much Bruce, but I doubt that is going to happen.