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CPasholes said:
coventrycat86 said:

There are so many holes that can be punched in his statement, I don't even know where to begin.

First off the "sophisticated people" is a great start. Hmmm, I'd agrue we're much more sophisticated in that we recognize people like elethuhardt as scammers and liars rather than boards like stogiechat where they are so unsophisticated that they open themselves up to be taken advantage of. This kind of wants me to applaud eleuthardt for letting an unsophisticated board let him get away with taking advantage of it. Hat's off to you eleuthardt.

Again, CPashole's post has so much material in it that is utter nonsense, I just dunno WHAT to do :laugh:

Yes, that makes perfect sense! YOU were sophisticated enough to recognize a scammer AFTER he scammed you. hahaha I can't even hold my laughter!! You are so pathetic sounding. I don't recall anyone on SC being scammed like you were! hahahaha! I guess maybe you are not so sophisticated afterall.

You are just pissed off because there is nothing you can do about it except post BS about other people. So sit there and flame away little flamer. I'm not wasting anymore of my time with you.

Nothing I posted here or at stogiechat is "flaming" and yes eleuthardt did indeed scam the pass at stogiechat.

Anyone wanna bet this "I'm not wasting anymore of my time with you." will be his last post? I say it won't be even though he insinuates it will be :laugh: Sounds like a PuroBrat mentality to me :laugh:
Ignore Davey's post. He's gone for good now. :D
Rod said:
Ignore Davey's post. He's gone for good now. :D

Well then, I'll just have to go back and edit my post where I quoted him. :laugh:
Has anyone registered as Stogichat_asholes????? Who is bringing it to other boards????? ??? ??? ??? :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:
coventrycat86 said:
DaveWF said:
I can't believe you guys had this major flamage going on here and no one invited me!

Sure is nice to see that everyone is still getting along so nicely at "The Internets Friendliest Cigar Website".  LMFAO.  Yeah right.

So now it's changed from attacking your own members to going after other boards as well.  FRIENDLIEST... Yeah right!

Oh, and no IP spoofing here - your illustrious host was kind enough to reactivate my account.  Thanks Rod!  Keep up the great work!



Dave, now now, no one "went after" letstalk, the site adminstartor spammed us THREE times then lied about it. A few CPers took issue with that.

As far as the suckers at stogiechat, they too have lots to learn. No one from here "went after" their board either. If you can back up your statement, please do so.

I'll direct you to two posts on this thread: http://www.cigarpass.com/forums/index.php?...opic=10790&st=0

cvmfour: "LMAO! Everyone flood his board "

Sir-smokes-a-lot: "well, there's less than 50 members over at that one.
I def. think we can do some damage!

remember, when we all sign up to put CP in out names.
example: Sir-smokes-a-lot-at-CP"

'nuff said?

Oh, and your host realized his own stupidity and re-banned that other account.

Later CP
CPCigarDude said:
coventrycat86 said:
DaveWF said:
I can't believe you guys had this major flamage going on here and no one invited me!

Sure is nice to see that everyone is still getting along so nicely at "The Internets Friendliest Cigar Website".  LMFAO.  Yeah right.

So now it's changed from attacking your own members to going after other boards as well.  FRIENDLIEST... Yeah right!

Oh, and no IP spoofing here - your illustrious host was kind enough to reactivate my account.  Thanks Rod!  Keep up the great work!



Dave, now now, no one "went after" letstalk, the site adminstartor spammed us THREE times then lied about it. A few CPers took issue with that.

As far as the suckers at stogiechat, they too have lots to learn. No one from here "went after" their board either. If you can back up your statement, please do so.

I'll direct you to two posts on this thread: http://www.cigarpass.com/forums/index.php?...opic=10790&st=0

cvmfour: "LMAO! Everyone flood his board "

Sir-smokes-a-lot: "well, there's less than 50 members over at that one.
I def. think we can do some damage!

remember, when we all sign up to put CP in out names.
example: Sir-smokes-a-lot-at-CP"

'nuff said?

Oh, and your host realized his own stupidity and re-banned that other account.

Later CP

We were spammed three times genius..................even you should figure that one out.
coventrycat86 said:
Rod said:
Ignore Davey's post. He's gone for good now. :D

But he SAID you let him back :0 Are you saying that's not true?

Sorry boys, it was a mistake on my side. The ban automatically expired, it's been made perm now. I will back up all his posts and then fully delete his account. Sorry again! ;)
See, Rod takes action whenever it arises. He didn't worry if Dave would be upset because people might flame him or to hear Dave's side of the story. Unlike your mods, ours has balls and acts on something.

oh........has eleuthardt been banned yet???
CPasholes said:
Are you guys all looking to get banned from everywhere? I have to say that its pretty pathetic when a bunch of adults act like spoiled 5-year old kids. Actually, even my 5-year old has more esteem that what I've seen from many of you recently posting on SC and CP.

You guys took the risk of letting a newbie into your pass, and everyone in on the pass knows the risks. You got burnt out of $30-50 worth of cigars in a trade that was not equal. At least he gave something back, and didn't take the whole lot of cigars. Then, and only then I could see everyone with boiling vats of oil aimed for eleuthardt. It was a bad trade, learn and live on brother. If $50 is going to take food off your table or make your life that miserable, then you should not be buying cigars AND giving cigars for trade at that price. Grow up.

Not only do you guys have problems handling your own box pass here and who's in it, you also have to make it known across the internet to other forums and chat rooms. Stir up a ton of people who are not even involved in your mediocre cigar pass and start flaming people all over the place. Thats a stupid effort when anyone can change their "name" anytime and rejoin a forum.

I always thought that cigar smokers were sophisticated people who enjoyed the better things in life. What I've seen over the past posts...laughing about being banned, posts on SC and CP, makes some of you guys NO example of a true BOTL. Acting like that, you should be smoking Phillie Blunts again because you surely don't deserve anything better with that kind of attitude toward other people.

WTF! Somebody in our house talking $hit?
CPCigarDude said:
coventrycat86 said:
DaveWF said:
I can't believe you guys had this major flamage going on here and no one invited me!

Sure is nice to see that everyone is still getting along so nicely at "The Internets Friendliest Cigar Website". LMFAO. Yeah right.

So now it's changed from attacking your own members to going after other boards as well. FRIENDLIEST... Yeah right!

Oh, and no IP spoofing here - your illustrious host was kind enough to reactivate my account. Thanks Rod! Keep up the great work!



Dave, now now, no one "went after" letstalk, the site adminstartor spammed us THREE times then lied about it. A few CPers took issue with that.

As far as the suckers at stogiechat, they too have lots to learn. No one from here "went after" their board either. If you can back up your statement, please do so.

I'll direct you to two posts on this thread: http://www.cigarpass.com/forums/index.php?...opic=10790&st=0

cvmfour: "LMAO! Everyone flood his board "

Sir-smokes-a-lot: "well, there's less than 50 members over at that one.
I def. think we can do some damage!

remember, when we all sign up to put CP in out names.
example: Sir-smokes-a-lot-at-CP"

'nuff said?

Oh, and your host realized his own stupidity and re-banned that other account.

Later CP

Ooooooo, I love newbies!!!!

Welcome to CP CPCigarDude :thumbs: Pull up a chair and get involved, you'll learn a lot here ;)
It seems their ears were burning over there, they couldn't help but come over and read about how much they don't know....

Ya know, what goes around comes around...and when these guys get screwed over real good, they'll be none the wiser!

I couldn't stand it over there, had to wait forever for the page to some up....

And Cornolio, be a man and quit hiding behind some fake-ass handle you wuss!
You know, I just love people that love to talk $hit. These guys are pathetic. Real tough aren't they talking behind a computer. :angry:
Like I said, remember "Jonestown"!!!

I was going to post a question over there but I forgot what I was going to ask, waiting for the page to refresh....

Is that a GeoCities website?
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Here's a voicemail I received 5 minutes ago. Sure sounds a lot like Davey! :)

Davey, "the house isn't falling apart", it's called CLEANING HOUSE, much like we did with you....

Here's the voicemail I just received, enjoy!

CLICK HERE FOR: Davey's voicemail
Man, they already deleted the ID, guess I am off to another IP :D I should probably be a little more subtle and post when Shirley isn't here reading our forum.

Oh here is what Davey posted before they deleted his account:
Good spelling there bucko! Whichever one of you came to CP and created the CPasholes account took off the gloves. Now its going to be awhile before you get your board back..

I was a member here before this Eleuthardt crap started, I made that perfectly clear in one of my 3 posts before being banned. This board is nothing more than a circle jerk.

You can IP ban this one and I have tons of others at my fingertips. I won't even have to go through the trouble of wardiving to keep you losers busy.

Smilehead p3nisleach you owe the people you banned an apology. You couldn't even get the cigars straight in your "no big deal post" the put was the Diamond Crown the take was a WOAM. Not flavored though so you wouldn't understand.

Hey! I'm on there! :p

I just LOVE that those idiots from stogiechat are actually registering new accounts on here simply to post in this thread. Guys (I use the term loosely) - get some balls and post with the name you go by at SC. :rolleyes:
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