Just a few things-I for one am content to let this drop, I've said all that I've wanted to say and then some. Our members visited their site and gave them input on this guy and what all he was about. I think a major reason why this thread continued for such a long time was not because we agreed to hold a large scale invasion, but rather, their members offered up excuses that just amazed us. A few people here couldn't believe what they tolerated and how they ran the board(i.e.-ccat of all people being banned) and some of that venting of people "not getting it" was released here. I'm proud to say that we didn't create a knock-out drag-out fight over there, it was brought over here in our forum where we have the right to talk about such things. Evidently they had the same desire, since they posted over here as well......unheard of to them given their moderator's strictness. No one created the moniker "stogiechat_sucks" or anything like that. It was amazing that someone who created such a moniker on our board lectured us on "sophistication"

I do wish them the best of luck. If they want a truly peaceful site with much less drama, they ought to drop any passes since that requires some taking out of the trash from time to time and it's obvious that they don't want to do that for whater reason IMHO.
Even conflicts between members can be somewhat beneficial. While I've crossed swords with
Servebig a time or two, he and I are working on a trade together and he just might not be all that bad of a guy.

It was interesting to see that although some members here may not have the best relationship with one another, we're quick to band together....reminds me of a family or the '78 Yankees. This
is the friendliest place on the net, and 1 thread out of 48 or so doesn't negate that fact.
Sam-You're awesome man, keep up the good work.
Servebig-I've been an @$$ to ya, but I'm glad that we have worked this out to some extent. You're a good BOTL and I apologize for ever insinuating that you are out to screw people. We may not agree about other people "stirring the pot" or what not, but when push comes to shove, you're a o.k. in my book. Best of luck to you and hope there are no hard feelings. :thumbs:
Leebo-Keep up the good work, you are part of what makes this site what it is today-period.
coventrycat86-Thanks for setting the record straight on more than one thing brought up by the alien horde on this thread. You've extended a helping hand to me on more than a few occassions and you are truly interested in helping a newb like me learn the ropes. Thanks again.
Rod-Thanks for running the bets cigar site in the world.
Davey-You're still gay.
That's it- it's done.
(Crap-now I have to change my nickname to "Lord of the group-hug")