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As the experienced Admin that I am, I turned off all new registrations.


This is better than a Friday night at work, listening to the police scanner..... :laugh:
Rod said:
As the experienced Admin that I am, I turned off all new registrations.

:thumbs: Rod, you are a scholar and a gentleman. Although it kind of takes the fun out it no? :D
Anyone have Sammy's #???

He's missing all the fun....

Alright, need dinner, then back for more laughs!

Hey Cornholio, answer your pm's tough guy! LOL
WTF happened to this place? No disrespect intended, but you gentlemen are on self-destruct...

The line between being helpful to BOTLs who may need help identifying a scammer and caryying on a full-out flame war with 2 other internet boards in a single week is not a fine one. It's very broad.

I highly advise you stop calling my 800 number. Not sure if you know, but abusing a toll-free number is against the law. I am on the phone with AT&T right now. It's sad you've lowered yourself to such a scummy level.
Steve, looks like you don't have the stomach for this sort of thing.....

I would advise looking at other threads instead because this really needs to happen.

I can however understand how you might think that this is unwarranted but it really is.
I know that the cphole has crossed the line, and it's gotta go here unforunately. ;)
Rod said:

Here's a voicemail I received 5 minutes ago. Sure sounds a lot like Davey! :)

Davey, "the house isn't falling apart", it's called CLEANING HOUSE, much like we did with you....

Here's the voicemail I just received, enjoy!

CLICK HERE FOR: Davey's voicemail


Did I hear a lisp?????? :whistling:
SFG75 said:
Rod said:

Here's a voicemail I received 5 minutes ago. Sure sounds a lot like Davey! :)

Davey, "the house isn't falling apart", it's called CLEANING HOUSE, much like we did with you....

Here's the voicemail I just received, enjoy!

CLICK HERE FOR: Davey's voicemail


I think you heard the sound of Davy speaking. It sounded like he had his head up his A##. :D

Did I hear a lisp?????? :whistling:
Geez guys ain't you askeered of that big headed smokey bozo blowhard dude? He could like uh... hrmmm... ban everybody... no wait he did that... he could uh.... hrmmmm.... well, he could probably do something that isn't moronic... but then none of the stellar intellects that hoorah his idiocy would understand it. One thing is certain, that board doesn't attract mensa members. LMAO. Who was the idiot patting himself on the back talking about his moronic babble about internet privacy... I mean WHAT A STOOGE!
That board reminds me of the movie, Mom and Dad save the World, where John Lovitz plays the ruler of a planet of morons. Oh my God.

And davey shows up. Talk about lo - lo - lo - los - los - dumbasses. davey! You're a freak a nature boy and a living breathing argument against education beyond intelligence. Ya know, if I looked like a penis with a goatee I wouldn't be posting my picture on the refrigerator at home let alone the internet. See ya, ya smarmy wank.

So, cpashole, spell much? Dumb as the rest of 'em over there? Ayuh, it seems a prerequisite for membership. Yeah, we're laughing about being banned. It's like being banned from a restaurant that specializes in sperm sandwiches (at least that's what Moki told me)... I have about 5 posts over there and not one was offensive. You ban people arbitrarily so stick it where the sun don't shine. Oh, and tell the rest of those wannabe bad men that being dumb is not such a bad thing... somebody has to dig the ditches.

stevehawk said:
WTF happened to this place?  No disrespect intended, but you gentlemen are on self-destruct...

The line between being helpful to BOTLs who may need help identifying a scammer and caryying on a full-out flame war with 2 other internet boards in a single week is not a fine one.  It's very broad.

Howdy Steve, glad to hear from you. Hope to do a pass with you sometime soon. you seem like a decent guy, and I have to admit, your BSU team did really well this year. :thumbs:

Letstalk hasn't sent anyone over here, they aren't smart enough to figure out how to acocomplish that. We're hardly reeling from anything one of their members would post-heck, they would be lucky to find the "compose" button even if they would find our site.

Your post is a key reason why CP just rocks. I don't agree with you, but unlike that one site, Rod won't pull your account simply because everyone has to act like their high on lithium. It's amazing how they want to maintain control over there, yet there members come here in order to post their true feelings. What happens on our board is our business and it's our right to post what we feel. If they want to talk about how cigar pass sucks, they should start their own thread on that. Of course, they can't do that because they are at Stogie-Stalinchat.com and they have to come here to have that liberty because their mods have control issues and infantile obsessions that accompany such a drawback.

P.S.-To all my BOTLs here at CP, you are damn awesome, can't give you all enough props that you deserve.
stevehawk said:
WTF happened to this place? No disrespect intended, but you gentlemen are on self-destruct...

The line between being helpful to BOTLs who may need help identifying a scammer and caryying on a full-out flame war with 2 other internet boards in a single week is not a fine one. It's very broad.

I have to agree. But opinions are like ... well you know the rest. But I agree none the less.
SFG75 said:

To all my BOTLs here at CP, you are damn awesome, can't give you all enough props that you deserve.

I couldn't agree more... That's why I come here on a daily basis (dang near anyway).

I joined several cigar boards when I got into this hobby. I posted on them all for a couple of weeks. But it didn't take me long to see that this was where I wanted to be. The cameraderie, the expertise of cigars and the humor pulled me in. I haven't been on those other boards in months and don't plan to go back. IMHO, this is the best place for folks who enjoy cigars.

As for the other boards, I like the fact that the BOTLs here try to help them when they see something amiss or not quite right. As BOTLs I think that's a responsibility we all have. However -- and I know this view is not shared -- I think we (FOGs and newbs) can offer that help without getting "up in arms" if the help is rebuked or ignored. The responsibility for accepting the offered help is theirs -- they can take it as it is intended or choose to ignore it.

I dunno -- I just think we are better and would like to see us act that way in every way. Again, IMHO.
coventrycat86 said:
Hey moki, do you think you could explain them that I don't deserve to be banned or are you going to just stick your hands in your pockets and play go along/get along with these people?  I noticed that you posted right after I was banned yet you said nothing in my defense.  WOW :0  Thanks pal, you're one heck of a great guy there Andrew ;)  The next time someone like Phil screws you again, I'll stick my hands in my pockets too.  I'm sorry I ever carried your water for you, I mean after all Phil never screwed me so why should I have a beef with him?

Are you honestly trying to tell me that you care if you're banned there, CC?

I sure didn't think you cared, so I didn't see the point in saying anything (and I've not been to that board in some time, so I'm not sure anything I might say would have any influence anyway).

Are you honestly trying to compare someone making off with several hundred dollars worth of humidor hardware with getting banned from a web board that you could care less about?

Lay off the sauce, CC, you have no fight with me.
Just a few things-I for one am content to let this drop, I've said all that I've wanted to say and then some. Our members visited their site and gave them input on this guy and what all he was about. I think a major reason why this thread continued for such a long time was not because we agreed to hold a large scale invasion, but rather, their members offered up excuses that just amazed us. A few people here couldn't believe what they tolerated and how they ran the board(i.e.-ccat of all people being banned) and some of that venting of people "not getting it" was released here. I'm proud to say that we didn't create a knock-out drag-out fight over there, it was brought over here in our forum where we have the right to talk about such things. Evidently they had the same desire, since they posted over here as well......unheard of to them given their moderator's strictness. No one created the moniker "stogiechat_sucks" or anything like that. It was amazing that someone who created such a moniker on our board lectured us on "sophistication" :rolleyes: I do wish them the best of luck. If they want a truly peaceful site with much less drama, they ought to drop any passes since that requires some taking out of the trash from time to time and it's obvious that they don't want to do that for whater reason IMHO.

Even conflicts between members can be somewhat beneficial. While I've crossed swords with Servebig a time or two, he and I are working on a trade together and he just might not be all that bad of a guy. :D It was interesting to see that although some members here may not have the best relationship with one another, we're quick to band together....reminds me of a family or the '78 Yankees. This is the friendliest place on the net, and 1 thread out of 48 or so doesn't negate that fact.

Sam-You're awesome man, keep up the good work.

Servebig-I've been an @$$ to ya, but I'm glad that we have worked this out to some extent. You're a good BOTL and I apologize for ever insinuating that you are out to screw people. We may not agree about other people "stirring the pot" or what not, but when push comes to shove, you're a o.k. in my book. Best of luck to you and hope there are no hard feelings. :thumbs:

Leebo-Keep up the good work, you are part of what makes this site what it is today-period.

coventrycat86-Thanks for setting the record straight on more than one thing brought up by the alien horde on this thread. You've extended a helping hand to me on more than a few occassions and you are truly interested in helping a newb like me learn the ropes. Thanks again.

Rod-Thanks for running the bets cigar site in the world.

Davey-You're still gay. :D

That's it- it's done.

(Crap-now I have to change my nickname to "Lord of the group-hug") :p
You follow scum to the rock from which he came under. What did you expect to find? I'm not at all surprised at the close-minded dimwits at stogiechat. Seriously... were you that surprised at their reaction?

How about we go back to what we're good at? Bickering amongst ourselves.
Well i posted a" sort of "non flaming piece in there news and it was deleted. Oh well at least a lot of people got to read it before they dumped it. The point is taken and i would have to say only an idiot would let him in on a pass over there.
If someone came here to inform on a forum jumper I personally would want the post to stay even if it was flammable. Excuse the writing as the captain morgen is at hand tonight.lol not that I dont catch many visits from Mrs. crabtree even when Im sober. :laugh:
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