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**** Edicion Limitada ****

Some very tough choices indeed Brother! LOL!  :D

But.... I've spent the last 2 hours starting at page 231 and been through the pages twice...  :0  :)   It's a good thing that I have a cable modem... LMAO!  

The entries have kept me laughing for days... great job fellas!  I'd like to thank everyone for entering... all the entries were wonderful but unfortunately there will only be three winners.

So... here's the list of winning comics...

Third Place
"Mooning the Saxon Dogs" found on page 233


Second Place
"Dildo Delivery" found on page 232


and the moment we've all been waiting for....

First Place
"Lost puppy" found on page 251


CONGRATULATIONS to the winners! And... another great contest Brother Devin!  Thanks for letting me have the honor of judging!  And... have a great trip to SoCal and herf one for me!

Happy 4th of July to all the Brothers and their families!  God Bless America!


***** :D  :thumbs:  :D  Congratulations Gentlemen!!!  :D  :thumbs:  :D *****

Brother Wade, thank you for doing us the honor and judging the Comic Contest!!! Truly a gentleman and a scholar... :)

Brother Lee, 0301 0120 0010 7843 4956.

Brother Darryl, 0301 0120 0010 7843 5007.

Brother Jeff, you will have to wait until you return from vacation...LMAO

I wish to thank everyone that entered! :thumbs:

The first two prizes will be in the mail on Friday, thank you.
Brother Devin,

It was my honor to judge another great contest of yours!

As far as gentleman... my wife thinks that's questionable at times... :0 ;) Actually... most of the time... LOL!

A scholar?!?!? :0 I'm not sure if a scholar would fine a dog stuck a woman's butt or a dildo delivery hilarious! :0 :p :D LMAO!

Aloha Bro!

As always, first class Devin!

Congrats to all the winners and a big Thank You to that "newbie" ;) you had judging the contest! ROFLMAO! Thanks for taking the time Wade. :) :thumbs: :)
Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!

Another great contest, Devin! I can't believe I actually won!! Awesome!

Thanks for judging this thing, Wade, I know you had alot to choose from! lol

Congrats to Jeff and Daryll as well, great stuff guys!

Woohoo! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :love: :love:
OWWWWW man, talk about one hitting you by suprise!!! This thing is huge!!!! (That's what my wife says!!! :p :sign: ) LMAO Just a little note to let y'all know the pass has landed in the Dogpatch....to never be seen again!!! LMAO You guys were right, it WILL take a whole day to sort through all these yum-yums!! I'll post all my details for y'all on Sunday and get her back on the cargo jet Monday!!!

Later bros,

BW :thumbs:
Woooohoooooo!!!!!!!! The Saxon Dogs came through!!!! LOL. :p :p :p :p

Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Wow...what a great surprise. :D

Another great contest Devin. :thumbs: :thumbs: Congrats to all the winners. Now I hope I can look at all the great posts. As always...there are a lot. LMAO :p :lookup: :p

If you like...you can send my package it will be handled with care. :lookup: :D :D ;) It's important to keep things together...even when your on vacation.LOL.

Thanks again. :)
received my prize today! thanks again, dev, you're too generous as always! i guess i skimmed quickly over the prize listing because i didn't realize i was getting 4 sticks. so, thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!

Received your package today, Devin! WOW!! I am in awe!! What a fancy gift, above and beyond, Bro!!

I nearly burnt the house down playing with that flamethrower!!

Thanks a million!! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
ya know, i don't think anyone would have handed the real kramer a lighter! LOL!
Congrats to all the winners :D

DMC another great contest :D hours and hours of laughter off of one pass ingenious :thumbs: :thumbs:
That cigar in my mouth actually had a load in it!

I still have some left for that lucky moocher out there!! :sign: :sign:
Ryan, good news on the box landing safely... :)

Mr. Beast, your prize package will be mailed out tomorrow.

Lee and Darryl, you are quite welcome!

Pete, message sent.
*** Multi-board Pass Update***

Pass is on its way to filly in SoCal. Man I wish I was in that box...lol! SoCal is always great! :D :D :D
****Head's up Leebo!!****

From Filly...

Pass arrived today! Just got thru putting and taking the following:
RyJ Coronas Grandes 12/96
ERDM Panatellas Largas from the early 70's
Partagas Palmes Grandes from early 80's
Vegas Robaina hand rolled non-production robusto from 99
SLR Londsdale cab from 97
Siglo I from 01
RA 898 from 98
Boli Corona Xtra cab from 97

Punch SS#1
RyJ tubo #3
RyJ Celesto Finos '98
SLR churchill from '99
Juan Lopez #1 from 00
HU mag 46 from 2/01
RyJ Beli from 11/01
Boli PC from '98

Extras added: for pete Opus A in a coffin and a small birthday present for Devon!

Thanks so much Pete for slipping me into this awesome pass!!!!

PS the shipment goes out tomorrow to one L. Bradshaw!!!!
Conf # 03001290000000741069