Dont mess with an old man


Jul 19, 2008

what is an AMBALAMPS ?
I laughed so hard at this video the first 4 times I watched it.

Here is a little graphic I found. :D
The gamers should like this one
That old man was heavy handed oooh boy LMAO. Don't fuck with me boy :laugh:
LMAO my brother showed me that video about 20 minutes ago! Too funny!
You know what your problem is? You don't know how to deal with the white man! You got a white man complex. I know how to deal with him. That's why I'm in the position I'm in today. Richard Pryor as "the wino" 1975
You know what your problem is? You don't know how to deal with the white man! You got a white man complex. I know how to deal with him. That's why I'm in the position I'm in today. Richard Pryor as "the wino" 1975

That's funny. I was actually just watching a bunch of Richard Pryor earlier today.

I can't believe how popular this video is. This is the third forum that I am a part of that I have seen it on. Definitely not a good day for the one guy.
Did you all catch the bit in the beginning where the old man may have told the other guy to spit shine his shoes? Or have the seen the video where the old man is outside of the bus screaming like a wild man? (clocks in at around :49).

Just curious.... Both of these guys are fools. One of them may be legally insane.


Thomas Bruso, a 60+ year old Vietnam Vet had to recently defend himself on an AC Transit Bus. Thomas Bruso, is well-known in San Francisco, mentally unstable and extremely dangerous. Known as "Tom Slick" or "Vietnam Tom", he has attacked and choked people and spent a lot of time in jail. He's very strong, angry, belligerent, violent and unafraid of police
Probably not the outcome the kid had in mind...
Proof that no matter how bad ass you think you are, there is always someone out there crazier than you.
This was already amazing and even more so now that I know it was in Oakland. I should go find him obviously.
I think that's a good example of why you don't harass vets. There is another video of a guy trying to rob an old Marine veteran. I'm going to go look for it and post it up here.

EDIT: Found it...