:Monty: Member Joined Jun 9, 2009 Messages 505 Feb 20, 2010 #21 Here's the old man's explanation. He's nuts... The language is NSFW http://www.spike.com/video/epic-beard-man/3345915
Here's the old man's explanation. He's nuts... The language is NSFW http://www.spike.com/video/epic-beard-man/3345915
cigarsarge BOHICA Joined Dec 29, 2003 Messages 2,869 Feb 20, 2010 #22 Read the back of the old guy's T-Shirt...
sonuvabum Boobies...'cause I likes 'em Joined Mar 16, 2007 Messages 1,799 Mar 2, 2010 #23 A slightly different version... With Commentary. Pretty funny. G-
DePasta Stop it! That tickles! Joined Jul 23, 2005 Messages 2,673 Mar 2, 2010 #24 A pretty good history... My linhttp://knowyourmeme.com/memes/epic-beard-mank