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Disabled Dad is having major back surgery on 10/02/2008...

I'll pray for your family, If it's ok with you or you wanted more prayers you could follow the link (to my website) in My sig and add a prayer request in my churches forum. or I could do it for you.

*Edited to add "or I could do it . . ."
I am sorry Jon. Thoughts and prayers are sent your dads way and you too!!!
My thoughts will be with your father tomorrow and you too. Stand strong.

Thoughts and prayers are with your Dad, you, and your family. Hope everything goes well for him Jon.
your dad has some good thoughts and prayers coming his way. I hope his recovery is quick and he can be relieved of the back pain. I hope this helps bring you guys just a bit closer. Good luck bro.

You bet Jon, surgeries of that magnitude, and anything around the spine area are certainly something to be concerned about.

I'll keep you and your father in my prayers, hope all goes well, when it's over...be sure to let us know how everything went.
I know how you feel.. to an extent. My dad is having his hip replaced in a week. Prayers with you and hope everything goes well.
Sorry to have missed this earlier. Hope all is well with you and your father.

Will keep you and your family in my continued thoughts and prayers.
We'll be thinking of you and your dad tomorrow. I'm sure all will go well. Take care Jon.

Best of luck to you and your Dad tomorrow.Prayers sent.Be strong.
I am praying for your Dad.

And for all of you who love him as well...
Sorry to have missed this, my prayers are with your dad.
Jon, thoughts to you and you family. Hope all goes well with the surgery and your relationship.

Jon, just wanted you to know the prayers were delivered today!!!

Good luck to your father and keep us posted.

When you are able how about an update on your father? The two of you are still in our prayers.
Hey CPers,

Thank you to everyone who prayed for my family and I. I missed my dad right before his surgery because the stupid DA called me to testify at a court trial, so I got out of there at around 1300 hrs. I went to Riverside and my dad's surgery went well with minimal complications.

He's sleeping now, and I've been here taking care of him. Time to go home now that my Mom's back, and thank you again guys. They ended up foregoing opening up his back near his spine until a later time due to the risk and his recent medical complications, so they only did some intrusive stuff with his nerves and his morphine pump. Bit of a relief I suppose, but still sets him up for further surgery at a later date.

Thanks again for your guys' prayers, it has really been appreciated.

Glad to hear everything went well. Hopefully this will give him some relief from the pain.
