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Dave must be an IDIOT pass

I'm glad someone thinks so...

Dave :sign: :D :sign: :D :sign:
Oh man, I don't know how I forgot these the first time through the list, but for the "I really like 'em" list, be sure to add on all Fuente's and or course the related Hemmingway line.

Dave :lookup:
Sounds like you have my tastes Dave! I started out smoking the Macanudo Portofino which I thought was just a killer smoke! I slowed moved up from there, Hoyo's, CAO's, Buttera's and then I found the Fuente Hemingways.

Oh man what a smoke :love: !

At the top of my list has to be the Padron aniv's as well!

Oh yes, and Macu '88 vintage is pretty killer now. Last '93 I puffed was too young and grassy. I've seen a few '84's and only heard of the '79's!
I've only been able to smoke the '93. I have ONE '88 that I'm hanging onto for... well, for whatever - but I'm hanging on to it!

Man, CAO's how could I forget those! Another yummy cigar in my book. :)

I've never had a Buttera, but when I was a kid, we did go grocery shopping at Butera - does that count?

Dave :p
Hey, I just had a great idea.....
If anyone owns a digital camera, take some pictures of the yourself & the box as it progresses through the pass. I have a community setup at:
If you join (it should be easy), you'll be able to post pictures to the shoebox. If you don't want to join (I only use this community for pictures, nothing else) send your pictures to me with some descriptions (including your name!) and I'll be happy to post them.

If/whenever I see an update to the pictures, I'll post a note here so everyone can go check it ok - sound good?

Dave :cool:
Ok, I think I may have sorta goofed when I was setting this up. When I was bagging up cigars, I came across two that were just too monstrous to fit in the bags that I had. I thought I had pulled them out of the pile of cigars going in the boxes - but now I can't find them. Assumedly, they got picked up with the dozens of other cigars and tossed in the tupperdors.

If anyone comes across a couple of big 'ol cigars with no numbers - enjoy it/them. If I remember right, they weren't real great cigars anyway, so I have no need to have them returned. Think of 'em as a bonus to whoever finds & wants them.

Dave :thumbs:
Will do on the pics :D !  I happen to have a digital camera, and will be taking Horse's pic and mine if he'll go for it.

OK so I'll never be known for being a spelling genius....Buttera...Butera....what's the diff? :sign:  :D

If you haven't had a vintage royal Butera you're in for a real treat! I'll throw one in for ya on the pass.

If you've not smoked an '88 let yours age and it will get better.  Trust ME  ;) .  The last '88 I had was right up there with SIOM...err...I mean..ISMO.....Uh...MOSI....Ah Heck!! Cuban Churchill Romeo y Julieta(Sure love to get my mitts on another!)
Man, my eyes hurt from reading all of this! I'm with ya Dave and I vow as a newbie not to steal your pen or bags. I do love a Sharpie, though. LMAO :thumbs:
You leave my Sharpie alone!

I mean it!!!!!

:sign:  :angry:  :sign:
Hey, if there are any Yankees looking to join another pass - check out Vern's "Revenge For My Dog" pass over in the open passes section. I've been in his passes before - IT'S WORTH JOINING.

Just thought one or two of the new guys may not be aware of my brothers plight!

Dave :D
Just messin' with ya Dave. I'll put a nice surprise in your box just to show ya that I'm a Virginia gentleman!!! :) :)
Macattak, you have a box waiting for ya at the post office!!! :0 :0 :0
Hey Mac, ya got a package waiting for you at the post office

Dave "Not-quite-still-a-newbie" Frank
:sign: :sign: :p :p :sign: :sign:
Damn impatient oldbies!!! :p

This is a problem I have with the USPS. When an insured package comes to the house, they leave the tag and you gotta pick it up at the PO. My driver usually doesn't get back to the PO in time to get it to the window for me to pick it up before close. I should have it today though.

Dave, you like Trinidad Fundadores?
I understand your woes with the post office.  I have the same problems here.

As far the the trinidad goes - I couldn't really say, I don't think I've ever had one.....

Oldbies.... I love it! :p
It's here! I'm debating what to take. You WILL be getting a Trini in your private stash. I'll be posting takes and put later today.

Pretty well done pass. Box is in good shape, packaging was more than adequate and documentation appears meticulous. It's just the way I expected it to be. Good job, Dave!