Good discussion so far. I would just add that for the most part the MSRP of Padron's, Fuentes, and Tat can all be found here on CP. Most of the pass that I have watched in my time here have used MMM guide for pricing on these. The reason is the semi-rare nature makes only line pricing spotty at best.
No.2................5.500 x 52............$15.99 / $383.76 (24)
MMM Padron Pricing Guide
The question was also raised about the Ashton Vintage vs. Ashton Cabinet. This is one of the times that I wished I had saved some of my old CI catalogs, I seem to recall that the Cabinet had Vintage on the band or visa a versa, but that they were in fact the same cigar. I could be wrong, but it seems to stick out in my mind.
Just a quick word on Gurkha's as well. Marketing Juggernaut, not quite up to Drew Estate standards, but still pretty impressive. Huge retail mark up, then show drastic discount and the consumer is left thinking they got a bargin. This might not be popular, but Gurkha's, the Beast and Titan in particular, are fairly decent cigars IMO. That being said are they worth $20 Dollars? Some might think so, but as someone pointed out they can be found regular at deep discounts through various sources.
I would say that if Andy wanted the Padron 1926 No.2 a good put would be an Opus. I am drawing on the fact that Andy would seem to love Opus, (that is a pretty big jar of bands

) and the semi-rare nature of both cigars. I would grant that Opus would seem to be harder to find, but three times a year they show up at my local and I buy my Padron's here, so to me its a wash.
As far as "overputs", the mantra is "
equal takes for equal puts". You can discuss the fact that we are all grown men with free will till the cows come home, it doesn't change the fact that on page one of most every pass I have seen, those words are in
BOLD . Yet this issue comes up time and time again. If you can't keep it close move on. Thats not meant to be a shot at
anyone, just a simple nugget of advice.
Just some thoughts, good luck guys. Let me know you anyone needs anymore help.