Chimichurri Steak
There are five critical elements to this dish the way I prepare it. The steak, corn reduction, onion rings, chimichurri sauce and ahi. The ahi is optional but I feel it balances the plate out and adds a freshness, and the people I have made this for tend to agree. For the steak I usually use tenderloin/filets but this particular time I had just picked up a loin of prime NY Strip so I decided to make the best of it. Here is what you will need for 3-4 people. Adjust accordingly if you are serving more or less.
3 Steaks- I usually serve Filet in ~10-12 oz portions but this time I used NY strip prime and it was excellent.
1/2-2/3 lb fresh wild sashimi grade ahi (Optional, as an accompaniment)
For the corn reduction:
Four ears of corn (I use white corn but there is no reason to avoid others)
1 1/2 tbsp butter unsalted
salt and pepper to taste (I use virtually none for this element of the dish)
For the chimichurri sauce
1 bunch of Italian Parsley
1/2 cup of cilantro
3 cloves garlic
1/3-1/2 cup of red wine vinegar (let your taste of the final mixture key you in as to whether you should add more than 1/3 cup)
1 cup olive oil
1 tbsp roasted cumin
1 tsp flaked red pepper
2 tsp salt
pepper to taste
For the onion rings
~1 cup rice flour
~1 cup beer
1 large yellow onion
For the Ahi
1 scallion/green onion (cut up the white part and sprinkle on top of the sauce at the very end)
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/8 cup mirin
2 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp sriracha
1/2 teaspoon wasabi
1/4 tsp ginger powder
1/4 tsp 5 spice powder
1/8 cup coconut vinegar or rice wine vinegar
(Simply mix all these together to creat a light sauce for the ahi)
The cooking
Heat your grill to high or your oven to whatever temp you like cooking your steaks at. If you are using a pan you can heat it up later in the process. Heat oil to 350 degrees. Obviously you will either need a deep pan, a deep fryer or a dutch over type device and an oil thermometer for this. I use a Le Creuset pot (one of the big ones). If you don't have access to anything you can deep fry in I guess you can just forget about the onion rings but it won't be as impressive/delicious.
First take the steaks out of the fridge so they can get to room temp before you cook them. Then shuck all your corn and get a bowl or baking dish deep enough to hold a fair amount of thick liquid.
Using a box grater on the coarse side, puree the corn into the dish until all kernels have been shaved off the ears. Set aside while you prepare the chimichurri sauce.
Using a food processor or blender chop up all the non-liquid ingredients of the chimichurri sauce, then when thoroughly chopped add the olive oil and red wine vinegar and mix until you have a smooth and somewhat thick sauce. Adjust it to your taste by adding salt, pepper, red wine vinegar and parsley if it needs to be thickened.
Now you can put the corn 'puree' into a non-stick pan and heat over med-low. Let it thicken, stirring frequently, as you prepare the beer batter and get the steaks ready. I like to rub a little sea salt and pepper into my steaks but ymmv, do as you wish. I'm not going to tell you how to cook your steak. I like mine medium-rare and cooked on a grill but cook yours as you wish, if you don't know how find a man to help you figure it out (or use google

). Get your onion peeled and sliced nice and thin. You don't want burger joint onion rings here, this is a classy dinner. Mix the rice flour and beer to create a nice thick batter. At about this point your corn should be thickening and you should add in the butter and salt/pepper. It is also time to start actually cooking your steaks.
While your steaks are on the grill/oven/whatever mix all the ingredients for the ahi sauce together if you are using the ahi. If not ignore this step. Slice your sashimi so it is ready to plate when everything is finished. No reason for your guests to sit around waiting for you to slice fish. When this is done the corn should be thoroughly mixed with the now melted butter and can be reduced to low heat just to keep it warm. Still stir it occasionally while waiting for the steaks to finish so it doesn't clump up.
Now go ahead and make your onion rings (yeah we all know you were waiting for that part). Just LIGHTLY coat the onion slices in the beer batter and dip then into the oil. Once they have turned a light golden brown and are beginning to float remove them and let them drain on some paper towels. Assuming this coincides with your steaks being done, let the steaks rest for 5 minutes while you finish making the onion rings. When ready, layer the plates with the corn reduction, then cut the steaks in half and place on top of the corn. Place the onion rings atop the steak and drizzle with the chimichurri sauce. If you are using the ahi slices go ahead and orient them off the corn and drizzle the serving sauce over them. Now serve and eat! If you get complaints you probably fugged something up.