Geez Rod, that was fricken fast! I was trying to add a reply then all of the sudden the pass was gone!
OK, I'm setting the order in stone, I'm printing out the final paperwork, I'm going to box this thing up and get it out the door tomorrow. I'll update the first post with the final details plus I'll be adding a couple cigars to the inventory.
And regarding some fun, I was thinking that besides my asking each participant to add a favorite recipe when it's their turn, we could also just have a few rounds of favorite recipes specific to certain types of cooking or certain categories. For instance "Favorite Grill Recipe" or "Favorite Dessert" or "Favorite Camping Food". This way we'll have a little more material to add to the CP Chef's Cookbook (or whatever we decide to call it) at the end.
And, oh yeah, Our First Contest!
What's your favorite cooking implement, appliance or whatever? Tell us what it is, why it rocks your world and of course pictures are super helpful! I'll see if I can't wrangle up a few judges to choose the winner and I'll send that person a little something.