First of all, i would like to thank all of you who have contributed always positively to this thread, the suggestions on webpage content will be addressed as well as the mainstream publicity suggestions, such as paper publicity on leading (aforementioned by you) paper magazines. The phone number Toll Free is US due to the IP telephony company in the US. I would like to thank all the individuals who have contacted us and in lieu of establishing a transparent business relationship, we will ship some sample cigars to the interested parties who requested this of us. Although we will not compromise opening a box on account of 2 cigars of each type, we will send some of your requests. Do remember, on issues of pricing and accumulation of inventory, not every country has the embargo, hence the exclusivity and pricing of cigars in the states is understandably high, orverpriced due to demand.
Thanking you in advance, for the feedback regardless, ( hey i loved the Tarantino Pic )