@Smbauer When you joined here, you gave us all kinds of conflicting information in a flurry of helter-skelter posts which made people dis-trust you right out of the gate. You appeared to play the "oh poor me" card which came across as begging for free cigars. You have argued with every attempt people have made to nudge you in the direction of the way things are done here. In this thread, there are 52 posts so far, 24 of which are yours and the vast majority of those are you arguing, and people asking/telling you to stop arguing, and you arguing with them.
You don't get it when you create a thread asking about Cohiba Medio Siglo, using nearly identical wording as this thread, and not one person answers you...........you simply create another thread asking about a different Cohiba. You don't get it that your incessant asking about some of the more expensive cigars in the world doesn't jive with your "oh poor me, I can't afford to buy cigars by the box".
While this site will provide most cigar smokers with extremely valuable information, and more importantly, even more valuable camaraderie, we are not an encyclopedia.....unless of course you choose to peruse, read, observe and learn. We, most certainly, are not an encyclopaedia for you to beg for information and then bitch at everyone who doesn't provide you what you want, when you want it, and how you want it.