I sent Doug an email giving him some of the details and inviting him to join us here at CigarPass :thumbs:
This is just way too funny.
gamehumper so gets what he deserves, if he had been a human being instead of a lying, thieving scumbag, this whole issue of not registering his mailing on time would have never come up.
Dear Steven,
I hope you indeed have access the this thread. I can't think of a more fitting person for this to happen to, you go through life lying, cheating and scamming people and when something good comes your way like a win in CigarPool, it slips through your fingers :0 I can guarantee you that if you had not behaved the way you did, your win would have stood AND even if someone else (other than one of the fine members of CigarPass) noticed you had missed the registration deadline by a few hours, you would have had
44 people coming to your
defense (because this has happened before but no one complained and it wound up being overlooked

) rather than all of us raising the point with Mr. Cook that you broke the rules and therefore should be declared ineligible to win.
What goes around comes around Steven

Have a not-so-nice life you POS