Cigar Smoking HAM RADIO Operators

That thing is awesome! I want to see how some set those up to a key. What antenna and power supply do you use?


The key is a kit I got from another Ham. I do not remember who makes it. Think it is the Scorpion radio club in Arizona perhaps.
Powered by a 9 volt battery. Got the housing from a local electronics shop. It is about 5 inches long, 2.5 inches wide and one inch thick. Used the cord from an old set of walkman headphones for the key hookup.

Puts out about a half watt max power. Made a couple local contacts with it, but no DX yet. Mainly used when I am camping as a goof off toy around the campfire.

For an antenna I use one of those wind up dipoles you see for sale on Ebay.
I love the challenge of it! Lighting the night sky with 2KW and a yagi is for weenies.
Willie - N8WP
Cheryl - KG6KTT (XYL)

The Orange County Amateur Radio Club is scheduling a camping trip to Pt Magoo State Park in late June. It would make a good herf! I have a handful of cigar enthusiasts in the club.
Lot of operators here. I am N2YQ. I would love to see a net go up but may have to wait for the sun cycle to get a little developed before I could contact you all in the West. Would be be voice or CW?
I've been wanting to do an HF net for years (voice). With the introduction of IRLP, we could even link up different nodes across the country on 440/2M. I have yet to talk to a CP member on the air, though we should definitely try to set something up.
I've been wanting to do an HF net for years. Voice.

This could be great fun. After we get it up and running we could do an expedition somewhere and bring our radios, cigars, and beverages! It would be an interesting HERF. :)
One more here...

Kevin - KI6BPQ

I am not on HF though. IRLP would be great for me. I can also easily hit SoCal on the Win system (LINK).
This is all very intriguing.

Can somebody point me in the direction of a few sites I can visit to get started? You know, like a "HAM for Dummies" kind of thing.

The pastor at my childhood church was a HAM operator and he always had some remarkable tales to tell about the contacts he made.
This is all very intriguing.

Can somebody point me in the direction of a few sites I can visit to get started? You know, like a "HAM for Dummies" kind of thing.

The pastor at my childhood church was a HAM operator and he always had some remarkable tales to tell about the contacts he made.

This should do it for you.

Kevin - I listen to the Win system often. Never really talk on it since I don't know anyone. Glad to hear you can hit it! We'll have to do a QSO sometime. I picked up the Yaesu VX-7R last year; great little radio.

Alan - Like boomer said, check out the ARRL as a starting point.
Here's a good video on Ham Radio -

If you need any help or have questions Alan, just ask. I'm happy to help. I highly recommend getting the Technician Book by Gordon West. Here's the book:
This is all very intriguing.

Can somebody point me in the direction of a few sites I can visit to get started? You know, like a "HAM for Dummies" kind of thing.

The pastor at my childhood church was a HAM operator and he always had some remarkable tales to tell about the contacts he made.

"Hi SWEETIE! I just wanted you to be the first to know about ny NEW expensive hobby" :sign:
Kevin - I listen to the Win system often. Never really talk on it since I don't know anyone. Glad to hear you can hit it! We'll have to do a QSO sometime. I picked up the Yaesu VX-7R last year; great little radio.

Alan - Like boomer said, check out the ARRL as a starting point.
Here's a good video on Ham Radio -

If you need any help or have questions Alan, just ask. I'm happy to help. I highly recommend getting the Technician Book by Gordon West. Here's the book:
Thanks for the info. It looks like I've got some reading to do. :)

This is all very intriguing.

Can somebody point me in the direction of a few sites I can visit to get started? You know, like a "HAM for Dummies" kind of thing.

The pastor at my childhood church was a HAM operator and he always had some remarkable tales to tell about the contacts he made.

"Hi SWEETIE! I just wanted you to be the first to know about ny NEW expensive hobby" :sign:
I'm not sure we know each other well enough for you to call me sweetie...

:sign: ;)
hmmmm kd7edq here ......most active on 80 & 75 meters.......2 kw and a piece of wire thats how i roll!!!
Kevin - I listen to the Win system often. Never really talk on it since I don't know anyone. Glad to hear you can hit it! We'll have to do a QSO sometime. I picked up the Yaesu VX-7R last year; great little radio.

The win system is great. I can actually reach SoCal better than San Jose (100 miles south of me). I have noted your call sign, next time I am out and about I will give you a shout.
I've been wanting to do an HF net for years (voice). With the introduction of IRLP, we could even link up different nodes across the country on 440/2M. I have yet to talk to a CP member on the air, though we should definitely try to set something up.

I can do a 440/2M, but no HF yet. Or I'll just come over to your place Rod :p

Who is in for this? We should set up some kind of monthly net. Its good experience at the very least (as long as we can get repeater time).

You have me thinking about drilling a hole in a perfectly good automobile for the first time in 15 years! Pshaw!
Good, you should. I'm sure we could all link up via the win system. Bruce, all you gotta do is find a local repeater that offers IRLP. I'm sure we can create a new node just for our group.

If we can get something going, and designate a local repeater and/or node, it'll give me a reason to get back on the local airwaves.

Hope we can make this happen!
I've been doing some reading and investigating about this whole thing. Is there a reliable way that I, in northern MN, would be able to speak with some of you guys that are on the west coast or in the southern states? I remember our pastor having talked to people all over the world. It just seems like all of the stuff I've read is more based on talking to local people. To be honest, I have little interest in talking to people up here. There just isn't that much going on. :laugh:

This IS going to be spendy, isn't it? :laugh: