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Cigar Smoking HAM RADIO Operators


Staff member
Jan 4, 2001
After reading through some of the threads here, it looks like we have more ham radio operators than I thought!

Let's start an official list here... With IRLP and Echolink, it's now possible to talk around the world on 2M or 440. I've always wanted to setup an HF cigar net. Looks like it might just happen!

If you're an amateur radio operator, post your callsign here. Let's create an official list. I'll maintain it in this thread.

Amateur Radio Operators

- Rod (KE6MGB) Los Angeles, CA
- CigarLady (KI6OJO) Los Angeles, CA
- Shooter (KF4OYB) Louisville, KY
- BlindedByScience (NY7D) Vancouver, WA
- Bilder (AL2N)
- NullSmurf (KH6SU) CO
- Cobra97 (WA4AMG) Port St. Lucie, FL
- WPeloqui (N8WP) Orange County, CA
- Saxjazzman (N2YQ) NY
- DuppyConquerer (KI6BPQ) Santa Rosa, CA
- Idahagon (KD7EDQ) Boise, ID


...did a bunch of contesting some time back, but haven't been active in a while. I really enjoyed morse code and have a nice set of Bencher paddles and an AEA keyer. I had the opportunity to work WWSS phone from Rush Drake's (W7RM) amazing multi tower QRO station a few years ago and got a clean sweep (of course). Used to be very active in my club's Field Day activities, but not much ham work since....

Cheers - B.B.S.

Currently without a HF rig though. Hope to remedy that problem this fall. :)

Currently without a HF rig though. Hope to remedy that problem this fall. :)

Do you have a 2M or 440 radio? If so, we can work each other through IRLP. Let me know....
Is this post still active? I passed my technician test Saturday!

Then I went and bought a Yaesu FT-60R. Once I get my call sign I'll try bring you p Rod.
Congratulations Josh! We should try and get a cigar/ham group together for So Cal. A lot of ham radio op's in LA are .... different. Maybe we can bring the normal people together. :)

Yaesu is my favorite brand. About 6 mos ago I bought the Yaesu VX-7R - coolest radio around. It tx's on 2m/440/73cm/6m and is waterproof, and is extremely tiny.

PM me when you get your callsign and we'll setup a QSO.
I was looking at the VX-7R at the Ham Radio Outlet in Anaheim. I think its a bit too much radio for me at this point. I got the bug last week when I was talking to one of the engineers at work. Turns out there is a Ham club that means monthly on site and they are very involved with plant communications. Also all my work at this point has been software for beyond line of sight radio communications so taking the test made sense. ;)

Starting a Hamfest/Herf sounds like alot of fun! Maybe a monthly thing?
Top - in case there are other hams who wish to chime in. :)
CigarLady (aka Ashley my girlfriend) just passed her ham test on Saturday! So, that's another cigar ham we can add to the list. Would really like to get a group of cigar hams together in So Cal, maybe we can do a radio herf once a week or something. Would be cool... Any other hams out there?
Rod, I love ham especially for Easter!

Tell Ashley congrats on her accomplishment!
I have wanted to get into HAM radio for a while, but have never made the time to learn more about it. It seems like a neat hobby.
Personally, I think it's most fun if you know the people you're talking to (unless you're on HF).

Switters - Get the Gordon West technician book. I'm sure you'll pass within a month of reading the book.

If we get any active HF'ers out here, maybe we can actually form a small cigar net, maybe on 10 or 20 meters.
I was for many years. Then I got married, had kids, etc., --- no more time. Unfortunately I was not paying attention to the expiration date and my license expired several years ago. The Tijuana Brass, WA6TJB, went down in flames.

Maybe if things settle down in a few years I'll have the time to get back into it. Great hobby.
Only HF rig I got at the moment is a small QRP (low power) radio. Take it camping with me in the summer and try and remember my morse code while sitting by the campfire.


I used to have a Yaesu VX-5R, but it is somewhere at the bottom of the Copper River right now. :( Gonna get a new HT with my tax refund money in a couple weeks. Thinking of getting one of those $50-80 chinese things to take fishing from now on. Not fun watching your $300 radio bounce overboard into the murky depths....


The Jingtong and Puxing radios have gotten some decent reviews and the price is hard to beat.
Not active now but thinking...


Port St. Lucie, FL

Another OLD FART! I've been licensed since 1972 - WN5LAS. Remember the old novice tickets?

Sure do remember the novice ticket. Found mine - I really am an old fart - it was effective 3-16-61 with call WN4AMG which changed to WA4AMG when I upgraded to Technician.

Wife (then girlfreind) was WN4NJA issued in '63. She never upgraded so it expired in '64.