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breaking me in pass

  • Thread starter Thread starter 74-1021679779
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I cant wait either PB I want to try that PAM and Ugly Stick real bad. Cant wait for your pass to get here too, and smokintone's. We all have alot of passes going on at once I guess, but aint it fun!

:sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign: :sign:
Boy and just think, PB's pass is gearing up too, there's going to be a lot of happiness around the cigar shack ;)

Can't wait.
PBs pass is now on the way to J's place. I was hoping his would make it home first, but I wanted to get mine in the mail, so we can get as many shipments as possible before the rates go up. :)
:D Thats ok PB I have plenty of goodies waiting to go in your pass and SmokinTone's. PB, I know you like maduros I have some good ones for you, do you like Candela wrappers I have a couple AF lonsdales I'll put one in. ???

tick tock tick tock :lookup:

Is it here yet :) ;) :0 :D :p :love: :thumbs: :sign:
whoooohoooo! Saturday morning, hpoe it shows up today. :lookup: :love: :)
The eagle has landed! I didn't get to to itil 8pm tonight as I worked on one of my jobs today!

Here's the damage report:

Everything arrived safely!!! bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh


La Gloria Cubana Serie R
Por Larranaga Habana 2000


El Rey Del Mundo Robusta Larga (tissue wrapped)
Padron Anny Natural Exclusivo
La Tradicion Cabinet Series Torp

Hope this is acceptable! I enjoyed being in your pass as well!

I checked everything, looks good!

I'll get it out to Emo on Monday morning!


Looking forward to getting the pass...I have a bunch of Backwoods, Phiillies, and swishers I need to unload.

Okay, got this out first thing this morning to Emo (what a weird address! LMAO)

Confirmation #0300 6000 0000 8140 7803

Thanks again!

Leebo :D
thanks for being part of the pass LeeBo great puts bro. :D

fill it to the brim with them Phillies Emo :) bwwwaaaahhhh
just kidding about the Phillies everyone knows Swishers rule :)

Dancing around the room because I saw the mail truck pull up. The window of my barracks room looks directly across to the mail room loading dock. Just saw the truck leave. It wasn't early yesterday, so hopefully I get it today or tomorrow. No access to boxes on Saturdays or Sundays. And Mondays they are really slow catching up from Saturday mail that I am usually in class before they get 1/2 done sorting it. :sneaky:

I feel for you brother Emodx, believe me I was Regular Army for over 6 years I know how military mail works. ???
whhhooooooo hoooooo

this is the 1800th view, catching up to edition limitada

NOT :0 :0 :p
Just like the Navy...hurry up and wait. I show up and nothing, this afternoon after I check usps.com I found out it is sitting there at the base Post Office...Grrrrrr...what gets me is I see them standing ouside every 20 minutes smoking a cigarette....Grrrrr
:( ??? :0 :angry: :sneaky:
If you don't go get it, Emo, it's coming back to me!!

I'll have to do your puts and takes for ya!

Leebo :sign: