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Box opening and review - TATUAJE T110 "Thermonuclear"

this review was spot on. i still have a couple and i smoke them with friends at the times where they go omg where do i buy these and then i go no sorry this was just to make your day great. you can never get that smoke again
I did and promptly sold both of my boxes. I will be smoking this on a full stomach and I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit hesitant, but curious to see if time has tempered them at all.

I also have one (Santa gave it to me), and I'm also a bit hesitant. I can bring mine over with a chunder bucket and we can smoke them together...
Here is my short and sweet review. I smoked this, with some coffee Sunday (9/9) morning.

Prelight smell, strong tobacco! I cut it with my Palio and was surprised that the prelight draw, was strong tobacco and pepper :)

Lit it with my torch lighter and I swear the smoke was thick, almost chewable and blue. Nothing like I've had before. Strong tobacco and pepper. My son wanted me to help him change his oil in his mini bike, so while reading the manual I took a picture:


While in the garage, my son Braydon picked up the cigar and smelled it. Not something he normally does, but he commented about how strong it smelled. Right about that same time, my 2 daughters walked into the garage and Olivia commented about how it smelled nasty and Stella commented about how she really liked the smell. Who knows. Oil changed finished, I sat back down with another cup of coffee. Half way through and the strength is still there, strong tobacco and pepper. I retro-haled a few times, to see if I could grab a few other descriptions, but couldn't.



At this point, it really hadn't bothered me too much, smoking this on an empty stomach. I could definitely tell how it could bother some, it was beginning to give me a slight nicotene tingle.

Wife called on her way home from an open house and I had to go change a tire, so I had to leave this where I was.


I really enjoyed the chance to smoke this Tom, appreciate you sending it to me. It would have been an interesting experience, to have smoked one when they first came out and one almost 10 years later.

Overall, a great experience. Cigar was beautiful, dark wrapper and I really love the bands on these, simple/yet distinguished. Still a very strong cigar, not sure what another 9 years will do to these, but maybe I'll hold onto my other and see. I'd give it an 8/10.
Outstanding...!! Glad you enjoyed the smoke, they are pretty amazing, given what they are....which is not for everybody. Thanks for the great review..!!
I purchased a 5er when they were first released and loved them RoT. Seeing you crack open a sealed box had me drooling! Went back in the humidifier to see if I had one left and sadly think I smoked/shared my last 2 with Set_In_Stone a couple summers ago.
Soooooo . . . my turn. :D

First of all, let me just say this is a really, really beautiful cigar. Flawless construction, tasteful band, amazing wrapper: smooth, velvety, great sheen.


Yes, of COURSE I have a San Cristobal ashtray! :cool:

Prelight scent is mild, intriguing, rich tobacco with a hint of molasses. Let's light 'er up.

First draw is super smooth. Very light with notes of tobacco, leather, and cedar. Evening's entertainment on the iMac.


That profile never really changes throughout, just gets stronger and stronger in flavor. Stays cool and super smooth. Not a lot of strength in terms of asskickery, though.

A third of the way in it's smoking great and starting to turn into a real powerhouse.


Not done yet. Flavors are intense and a little pepper is gaining on the leather.


By the end, I do in fact have a mild nicotine buzz. :D


We smoke 'em all the way down around here!

Terrific cigar. Rich flavors that built in intensity all the way to the finish, ending up very, very strong but still smooth. Not an asskicker but deeply satisfying throughout.

Thank you so much, Tom. This was a great cigar.

Great review, Boar..!! Seems like you guys pretty much found the same things I did - very smooth, not a lot of flavor changes over the length of the smoke (not always a bad thing, IMHO), and ample punch to seal the deal. The long nap clearly didn't hurt these at all.....quite the contrary, actually.

Got to say I'm really enjoying this so far. I really appreciate the reviews, and really enjoy reading what others have to say about the same stick. Three more to go..!!

Thanks again, gentlemen - !!
Rob - @Nihon_Ni and his wife came over for dinner last night and he brought a T 110 his Secret Santa sent him. We both made sure to eat a full meal prior to lighting these puppies up. Also had an amazing dessert Rob made as well.


Pre-light was pretty amazing! I commented to Rob that they had a sweet smell to them. The draw was really nice as well along with perfect construction.

I was pleasantly surprised after the first ten or so draws. This example definitely wasn’t anything like I remembered when they first came out. No burn in the back of my throat, and it seemed time had tempered them. Still, I treated it with respect and kept waiting for that sick feeling I had last time.


Even though I enjoyed what I was tasting, I have to say it was very one dimensional. No myriad of flavors, no earthiness to it. Just intense tobacco flavor.
I kept engaging Rob in conversation wondering how he was doing. He was brave enough to smoke the cigar and pour himself a full glass of Dogfish Head Vanilla World Wide Stout at almost 19% ABV. He seemed to take it in stride with little effect. Even going to pour himself another half glass at some point. Just what I like! Someone who feels at home in my house and knows they don’t have to ask....

As I got down to the final inch and a half I felt safe. I went and poured my own stout, even commenting what a good beer it was. The cigar was still the same flavor wise, but burning pretty flawlessly. I still respected it though, sipping on it and taking my time.

(Rob in the background telling the women how big it is)

We both managed to smoke them to about 3/4 of an inch. My final impression is that time has definitely tempered these, but that you still wouldn’t want to smoke one on an empty stomach. Thanks for including me Tom. Glad to find out history didn’t repeat itself.
Thanks, John for your bravery in the face of the little monster cigar....:cool: Great review, hope you guys enjoyed the smokes.

These are, at least to my palate and the palates of the guys that smoked them so far, "one dimensional" cigars. I don't find it all that objectionable if the tastes are consistent and what you expected. Even within a box, I've found differences in the spectrum of tastes of some of my favorites. It's not a big surprise for a hand made product...some variations are not surprising. This particular blend was put together for one purpose....strength. Turns out it's a pretty wonderful thick, dark, rich blend, that has a non trivial punch as part of the deal. Not for everybody, not everyday....but a fun spectrum of tastes that's different enough to be interesting.

Really appreciate the reviews and the pictures, gents - nicely done...!!
Tom, I hope it's okay if I crash the party here. As John said, I got a T110 from my SS and we smoked them last night after dinner. I had been a little leery of this stick after reading the Half Wheel review of it. After a big hunk of red meat, I gathered my gumption and clipped the end of this cigar.

I helped myself to a pour of Dogfish Vanilla Stout from John's mini-keg, as I thought the two would pair nicely. (Last time I was over the 19% ABV snuck up on me, so I knew to pace myself this time.) I spent more time than usual tasting the cold draw, trying to identify what I was tasting, but mostly I was waiting for John to quit puttering around and get down to business! The overwhelming flavor was rich tobacco. I couldn't really detect any other notes to it, but I know I don't have a super palate, so a lot of those subtleties are lost on me.

I noticed some spice on the initial 1/4", but after comparing notes with John I realized that might be left over from the hot pepper peach jelly I used to make the dessert. Either way, within a few minutes, the spice was gone, and the cigar settled into a rich tobacco profile, but I could tell that this stick had power!

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John and I had a great conversation about kids, and dogs, and life, and our time in the Marines. Although we had two different paths to CP, we have a lot of common ground and have become good friends since he sent me a PM to come over for a cigar shortly after we moved to VA.

The T110 was pretty one dimensional to my palate, but I could tell the strength was increasing. I used to gravitate towards double or triple ligero cigars, and one of my regulars is still the discontinued CAO LX2, but lately I've been trending towards more medium cigars as my cigar journey has taken me south of Miami. I always have trouble judging the strength of a cigar until I stand up midway through the smoke, but when I stood up to refill my glass I was surprised that this cigar wasn't as strong as I anticipated. I could tell that it was one of those sticks that I'd be tasting long after the fire went out.

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I finally set the cigar down with about 3/4" to go. Aside from the spice in the beginning (which I was starting to think was just my leftover dinner and not the opening notes of this stick) the cigar was consistent from start to finish. It paired really well with the slight sweetness of the vanilla stout, and was the perfect ending to a great evening.
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Rob, no crashing required, I really appreciate the addition to the reviews..!! Hope you enjoyed yours as well..!!
Fun reading the previous reviews.The hurricane shook my plans up but I intend to get to this over the weekend.