First of all, thank you Tom for the opportunity to learn what a nice year seasoned stick tastes like. I think Tom had his Pug look him in the eye, we do have to stick together ya know.
Sticks arrived in single finger bags with a Boveda pack to keep them happy. I had free time so I went to my local B&M so I didn’t set out in the cooler air with all of our abundant moisture. Plunked my butt into the chair and started taking notes ( yes, I gotta take notes youngsters.
The wrapper was sweet. Even colored and about as vein free as one could hope for. Snipped the cap and off we went. First puff as a brief but pleasant shot of spice, not a kick in the azz, but a get acquainted hello. I gave it some time to see if it would stay lit, and I didn’t want it to burn hot. The smoke it produced was adaquate, not heavy or oily, but it was SMOOTH. I don’t dress fancy when I smoke as it sticks to the clothes, and, Pugs are famous for being sloppy with water and ashes, in this case, ashes. No sense in burning another hole in my shit shit as my wife calls it.
So I puffed, and I puffed ( but no, I did not blow the house down ) and the dang ash grew and grew. $$$ an aside for a moment if you please, I’ve never owned a cell phone until now ( wife required I get one, so I got a Nokia 6.1. I tired taking some pics for this review and now I know that inexpensive phones take poop photos). But back to smoking.. let’s just say the ash was long as I’ve ever had, it just wouldn’t die for 3.5 inches. Then it died on their floor thank gourd.
When it did, I needed to lite again and eased down to 3/4” before I had to let it go.
It was a FINE smoke, mild but flavorful enough for me and more than enjoyed for my educational experience. Simper Fi.
And below is a 12 mega pixie Ziess lens.