Boswell Pass II - IN PROGRESS

Here are my P & T's.

Freebie: Boswell Black Cherry

T: Boswell Black Jack

T: Boswell Dutch treat

T: Boswell Magnum Blend

P: Mac Baren Uncle Louie's Whisky

P: Peter Stokkebye Proper English (this will be about 2oz in a ziploc bag)

P: GLP Key Largo

The next victim has been chosen, and PM'd to Timothy.

Thanks for letting me play!
Nicely done, sir. I'll be somewhere else for the next three weeks, send it to Minnesota!! J/k of course. :laugh:
Mmmm, Key Largo. I still don't want it yet! I still don't want it yet! I still don't want it yet! I still don't want it yet! I still don't want it yet! :laugh:

Nicely done, Dan. :thumbs:
My cone of silence has failed me. I tried ignoring it but the wife said I must proceed. I will review my choices and send it out ASAP.
I was wondering where this thing had gone. Condolences, but there are some mighty fine choices in the box. :thumbs:
The schwans truck just left the house. Do I smoke this stuff or eat it with Ice cream :rolleyes:
Man I cant wait!
Tim I was just looking at the 1st page of this thread, drooling over all the baccy. I wanted to thank you again for putting it together and keeping it up as you have.
Boswell Sweat tea

Boswell Christmas Cookie 1 oz
Boswell Apple Strudel 1 oz
G.L.Pease Key Largo 2 oz Tin

Dunhill Nightcap 1.3 oz
Frog Morton 1.3 oz
Georges Blend 1.2 oz (Secret custom blend from Georges smoke shop-Holland MI)
G.L. Pease Barbary Coast 2 oz Tin
mmm, I have been really curious about barbary coast

Have you ever sanded walnut without a dust mask? I mean REALLY sanded walnut enough to actually taste the wood? That's what it tastes like to me, and it was just as dry (wine kind of dry, not moisture level dry). It's an "interesting" blend.

My shields are up and have been reinforced with technology this world has never seen. The probe was a little "uncomfortable", but the little green salesman said it's foolproof tech. :whistling:
Have you ever sanded walnut without a dust mask? I mean REALLY sanded walnut enough to actually taste the wood? That's what it tastes like to me, and it was just as dry (wine kind of dry, not moisture level dry). It's an "interesting" blend.

Haha, the funny thing is I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. Many ol' days in my dads work shop when I was younger.
Man I cant wait!
Tim I was just looking at the 1st page of this thread, drooling over all the baccy. I wanted to thank you again for putting it together and keeping it up as you have.

Thanks for the kind words Chris. Glad to do it.
I'm on the road till this weekend. So I might not get the puts and takes done till then. It is on the loose again and headed to unknown territory!
That's the last GD time I listen to a salesman... :angry:


T: Autumn Blend (freebie)
Boswell Mild English
Peterson Sweet Killarney (tin)

P: Hoyo de Monterrey pipe tobacco (Habana)
Peterson Sherlock Holmes (tin)

Next victim has been selected and I'm taking it to the package to the PO shortly.

Thanks, Tim!
The package is on its way to the next player. Enjoy, fellas!
