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Best room for temporary smoking


Silent but deadly
Jan 25, 2008
My wife's out of town for a couple days and I got her off-the-cuff permission to smoke in the house while she's away. "Just blow it out the window," she said...

I was thinking that the kitchen would be a good spot to smoke in since I can close the door, there's no fabric, tile floors, and one small window. Yet in the bedroom, we have an overhead fan and two big windows that I can open. But I'm worried about the bed linens and our closets ending up reeking like smoke.

Anyone care to offer a sanity check on the better choice to smoke in for quick and easy odor removal before she comes back in a couple days?
What ever you do, don't smoke in the bedroom. Women can really get touchy about their bedrooms.

Back porch, or garage. Personally, I wouldn't risk pissing the better half off...... :whistling:

My $00.02 - B.B.S.
My wife's out of town for a couple days and I got her off-the-cuff permission to smoke in the house while she's away. "Just blow it out the window," she said...

I was thinking that the kitchen would be a good spot to smoke in since I can close the door, there's no fabric, tile floors, and one small window. Yet in the bedroom, we have an overhead fan and two big windows that I can open. But I'm worried about the bed linens and our closets ending up reeking like smoke.

Anyone care to offer a sanity check on the better choice to smoke in for quick and easy odor removal before she comes back in a couple days?

You missed the under the breath "If you dare"....... :sign:

But seriously, I wouldn't smoke in the house even if the wife let me, got a nice rocker on the end of the front porch is my sanctuary.

Howevr, if you really are going to tempt fate I'd say kitchen, open the small window, get a small fan and suck the smoke out the window.. :thumbs:
Nothing good can come of this.

If you must, smoke in the kitchen under the range hood or in the bathroom with the exhaust fan running, but I agree with everyone else who thinks you're playing with fire.
The only way I'd do it is if you have a smallerish room with a good cross breeze (eg door on one side, window on the other) and no carpet or non-leather furniture. drapes and stuff you can fix with febreeze pretty well, but cloth couches, beds and carpet are a nightmare. Even with the cross breeze, you should keep the air moving with a fan. Its when the smoke gets to sit and seep into things that you have a real problem, if its moving and eventually going out the window, its nothing a little febreeze and airing out won't fix. keep the smoke FAR away from clothing closets. I made that mistake once!!
g-smoke, I am from NY too and the weather is just too damn nice out this weekend not to be outside smoking.

as others have said, dont take the bait and smoke outside, you will have a better week for it
Hey man thought I'd offer my .02 cents and experiences:

Last year, whenever my dad left the house for an expended period, all my friends would come over and smoked in my room. We might as well have walked around the whole house smoking, because the smell traveled throughout the place. So we figured, eff it, that's what we'll do. In the morning, we sprayed down all the furniture in the house with frebreeze, and proceeded to smell the house to see if it stunk of cigars. It did, but that was fine. We opened all the doors and windows and just let them sit all day. Three days later, the smell had started to fade. I've done this six or seven times now, and each time, it has taken about 3 days to get the smell out. On the positive side, NOTHING smells like cigars, including my bedroom, cloths, sheets, etc, unless it was touched by a cigar for an expended period, every time we've done it...

So if you do decide to do it, make sure you've got at least 2 days of air out time, and don't mind opening every oraphice of your house afterward...
What seems to work well for me to get rid of the smell is to smoke in an area completely enclosed to the rest of the interior of the house preferable with open windows and afterwards spray ozium (I think it is spelled correct) you can get at any decent car wash. I basically spray the ozium all over and do it again let it sit overnight and the smell is usually gone. It works well for me in my car and a enclosed basement space. I don't do it often though just long cold weekends in the winter and long drives with the car. Either case good luck!
God bless and good luck man. We will all pray for you......... And pitch in for the headstone which you will need once she gets home :)

Come on, it can't be that cold in Brooklyn ATM... GO OUTSIDE!
Back porch, or garage. Personally, I wouldn't risk pissing the better half off...... :whistling:

My $00.02 - B.B.S.

You missed the under the breath "If you dare"....... :sign:

But seriously, I wouldn't smoke in the house even if the wife let me, got a nice rocker on the end of the front porch is my sanctuary.

This is a trick!! Don't take the bait.


Nothing good can come of this.

[SNIP]....but I agree with everyone else who thinks you're playing with fire.

g-smoke, I am from NY too and the weather is just too damn nice out this weekend not to be outside smoking.

as others have said, dont take the bait and smoke outside, you will have a better week for it

Come on, it can't be that cold in Brooklyn ATM... GO OUTSIDE!

I've condensed and edited the posts so far. These posts represent the only advice you should be reading in this thread. ;)
Ha -- excellent responses. Turns out I chose to ignore (most) of your nuggets of wisdom and smoked up a storm last night in the kitchen.

A couple of fans and a good breeze today sucked out the smell... as far as I can tell.

One of the main reasons I didn't just go outside was that we live in a 6-story apartment building and my two little girls were sleeping in their room. Luckily, not the slightest bit of smoke smell escaped the kitchen into the rest of the apartment. There may be a slight hint in the air, but nothing that cooking some fish wouldn't wipe out.

It was all worth it to have some bourbon, an RP Vintage 92 robusto, and a DPG Black 1979, all in the comfort of my home.
Glad it turned out okay for you! Took me a few days to air it out the patient way :0
Ha -- excellent responses. Turns out I chose to ignore (most) of your nuggets of wisdom and smoked up a storm last night in the kitchen.

A couple of fans and a good breeze today sucked out the smell... as far as I can tell.

One of the main reasons I didn't just go outside was that we live in a 6-story apartment building and my two little girls were sleeping in their room. Luckily, not the slightest bit of smoke smell escaped the kitchen into the rest of the apartment. There may be a slight hint in the air, but nothing that cooking some fish wouldn't wipe out.

It was all worth it to have some bourbon, an RP Vintage 92 robusto, and a DPG Black 1979, all in the comfort of my home.
She's not home yet, is she?

Women can smell a lot better than men when it comes to cigar smoke (even when it's not there). I hope it works out for you, but I can already hear the echoes of "It stinks in here!" in my head. :laugh:

Good luck!
Ha -- excellent responses. Turns out I chose to ignore (most) of your nuggets of wisdom and smoked up a storm last night in the kitchen.

A couple of fans and a good breeze today sucked out the smell... as far as I can tell.

One of the main reasons I didn't just go outside was that we live in a 6-story apartment building and my two little girls were sleeping in their room. Luckily, not the slightest bit of smoke smell escaped the kitchen into the rest of the apartment. There may be a slight hint in the air, but nothing that cooking some fish wouldn't wipe out.

It was all worth it to have some bourbon, an RP Vintage 92 robusto, and a DPG Black 1979, all in the comfort of my home.
Maybe its just me, but now I'm really suprised that you the go-ahead to smoke in the house with two little girls present. Out of curiousity do you smoke around them, or is it an unwritten rule that you dont?

Ha -- excellent responses. Turns out I chose to ignore (most) of your nuggets of wisdom and smoked up a storm last night in the kitchen.

A couple of fans and a good breeze today sucked out the smell... as far as I can tell.

One of the main reasons I didn't just go outside was that we live in a 6-story apartment building and my two little girls were sleeping in their room. Luckily, not the slightest bit of smoke smell escaped the kitchen into the rest of the apartment. There may be a slight hint in the air, but nothing that cooking some fish wouldn't wipe out.

It was all worth it to have some bourbon, an RP Vintage 92 robusto, and a DPG Black 1979, all in the comfort of my home.
She's not home yet, is she?

Women can smell a lot better than men when it comes to cigar smoke (even when it's not there). I hope it works out for you, but I can already hear the echoes of "It stinks in here!" in my head. :laugh:

Good luck!
I get told "You smell" often when i spend a good bit of time at the B&M. My usual response is "No, you smell!" I always win that argument. So whjen you get the "It smells in here!" line just turn it around on her. You will win.